So,Here I m with my new idea of selling Entrecard Credits in a different way;It is cheap,unique & everyone would like to buy it.
So Here are 3 Different packs which you can buy from me in easy way.Payments can Be Done via PayPal and Don’t Forget to check the Current EC For Sale balance at the last which will be updated on daily bases.
Pack 1: 1000 ec = $2.25 (Status=Available)
Pack 2: 2000 ec + a lifetime link back to your blog in this post = $4.25 (savings- 5%) (Status=Available)
Pack 3: 3000 ec + a lifetime link back to your blog in this post + a free 125×125 px ad of your blog in this post = $6.35 (savings- 6%) (Status=Available)
Pack 4: 4000 ec + a lifetime link back to your blog in this post + a 468×60 px ad of your blog in this post = $8.35 (savings- 7.2%) (Status=Available)
Pack 5: 5000 ec + a lifetime link back to your blog with your blog small description and a 125×125 px ad in this post + a 125×125 px ad of your blog in the sidebar for 1 month = $10 (Status=Available)
How To Pay?
Payments can be done with the help of Free merchant Service called PayPal .If you don’t have Paypal Account Then Signup for free now PayPal.
If you want to buy any of the listed Pack above,then send me an e-mail via this Contact Link.I wil then send you the paypal id where you can send the amount.
After Sending the amount comment below just telling me that i have sent the amount.
It is recommended that you contact me via your e-mail id only,For knowing my gmail id See the About me Post.
Current EC Balance For Sale: 0000
check the above thing always before buying
Entrecard Credits Sold till now: 18000+
*Last Updated on 16 September 2008
Freebies provided in Pack 5 Earlier has been changed now please see it properly and it will be applicalable to the new buyers only..

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