Top Entrecard Droppers – August 2008

by Sushant Risodkar · 3 comments

As stated just 1 month back that i will be giving Entrecard Credits to Top 10 Droppers and the results of last Top Droppers were also good.But after that i have slightly change the amount to be given that means the top droppers will now get 200 ec instead of 300 and the rest will get 50 which is not changed.I have to do this due to lack of Entrecard Credits since i m selling it also.I think bloggers dropping on my site won’t be angry with this news. 🙂


  1. Is a mans world
  2. Slow Streamyx
  3. People You Need to Know
  4. 60 Were Enough
  5. PipeB Web Hosting
  6. Search Engine Panel
  7. Make Money Online
  8. Clickdtalk
  9. Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery
  10. The Journey

So as You Can See In The Screenshot Given Above The Winners of 200 ec are:

They have dropped 30 Cards in Last 30 Days.So I have sended them 200 ec to their respected accounts.

And the Remaining will get 50 ec which are:

Congratulations and thanks everyone for dropping on my blog. I really appreciate it.
If You don’t know about this contest do read: Get Awarded by 300 ec for being the Top Dropper

About Sushant Risodkar

Yo! I'm +Sushant Risodkar & my nickname on web is Typhoon. I'm a 19 yrs. old young blogger from India & the owner of SmartBloggerz. If you are looking for SUCCESS as a blogger & affiliate marketer then SmartBloggerz is the right blog for you. You can follow me on Twitter or be my friend on Facebook. And hey! Don't forget to LIKE SMARTBLOGGERZ on Facebook. Read more About Sushant Risodkar.

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