November 2008

If you want to rank high in the search results of Google and the other search engines, you must know before you dive into the process that getting good rankings in the search engines for your chosen keywords can take a really long time before you begin seeing results. While inbound links to your website, targeted to your chosen keywords, will help your website climb in the search results of your favorite search engines, it may be a frustrating journey.

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We Have Made Some 51 RSS Badges..These rss badges can replace your old one and spice up a little more bit your Blogger template. Recently it becomes popular to use large RSS badges to attract more subscribers.Now Choose choose the finest badge for your Blog.


Top 10 Search Terms:

• rss badge

Just came to know about this cool widget n it’s easy to use also. This widget basically shows Quick Stats Of your blog which includes “Total Posts” n “Total Comments” on your blog.You can see the working of it in my blog in the sidebar at the bottom.

If you are interested to display the total number of posts and total number of comments on your blog, please follow the instructions below.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• blogger statistics widget • statistic gadget blogger com

Guys there is one Surprise for you all. I have received a sponsor who will Give Away a Apple iPod Nano with 8gb Capacity. The Prize is sponsored by Play Games Win Prizes Daily.I thereby request you all the current participants to update their blog pages in order to win that prize. I have sent all the current participant a mail regarding this Prize. So check it.

You can check the Contest Page for more Info.

In bringing your blog to high ranking on Google search for this competition, all you have to do is structuring your blog and then optimize its page content for search engine spiders. This approaching will enhance the blog visibility by empowering all aspects and elements of pages which will raise the blog page relevancy in Google.

One of the main factors that play an important role in Google algorithm that determine page relevancy is keyword usage. Google look these below mentioned keyword factors and apply a sort of relevancy score for each page of your blog.

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