How To Monetize Your Blog Traffic – The 7 BEST Ways

by jeanlam · 35 comments

This is a guest post by Jean Lam. Discover in this post, the 7 blog monetization strategies with which you can monetize your blog traffic and make your online business become more profitable. If you are a newbie blogger who haven’t made any money from its blog, then this post will definitely help you kick-start your online income through blogging.

Blogging is becoming increasingly popular today. It’s a great medium for interacting with people online and it can forge relationships. By writing useful and high-quality content regularly and sharing that valuable information with your readers, you’re building a rapport with them. Always welcome their opinion and let them share their opinions and experiences.

This ongoing rapport eventually builds trust with them and as you might know, when people trust you, they are more prone to buy from you. By using the blogging platform to bring your readers to your blog again and again, you can eventually monetize on that traffic effectively.


If you have used an affiliate product before and find it of value, don’t hesitate to recommend it to your readers. Write a thorough and compelling review and show how this product has helped you in some ways. List the pros as well as the cons if any. Above all, be honest.

If you recommend a bad product, your credibility will suffer and you will lose readers. Dedicate a special post for that product and embed your affiliate link. If the product is good and the review does its job well, your conversion rate will skyrocket and you will make great sales. The more readers you have, the more sales you can potentially make.


A lucrative technique in monetizing blog traffic apart writing product reviews is to write a post about a specific topic then recommend relevant affiliate products just after. After your post is published, your readers will read the content and some of them will view the offer you’re recommending.

Product recommendation after quality content have been proven to have a high conversion rate. The product should offer much more value than your real post. Your readers appreciate the information you’re offering them and are inclined to buy what you recommend.


Making a post offering your readers the opportunity to advertise on your blog at a discounted rate can make them feel special. A blog is not only about writing content-rich posts every single time. Just ask your readers to consider advertising on your blog. This can be an extra residual income stream for you.

Apart your subscribers, you can monetize your blog traffic from other visitors as well.


Simply offer a newsletter subscription and offer a valuable incentive to new subscribers. A free eBook, an e-mail course or a special report along with a graphic cover can triple your conversion rate. In these gifts, you can recommend any products or tools you use for your online business be it your own products or affiliate products.

ReadOnline List Building: IMMEDIATE Download Or 7-Day E-Course?


Make use of advertising networks like Google AdSense or Chikita eMiniMalls to monetize your traffic with some ads. Place the ads in a prominent area and don’t hide it. The large square ads are some of the most effective. Blending the ads have proven to work well.


Offering a free download on your blog is a practical way in monetizing your traffic. For instance, create an eBook with some valuable information and just give a link on your blog to it.

You can specify that this eBook can be freely distributed. You don’t need to create a long eBook, just a few pages will do. A “How To” article with a list of tips can attract a lot of downloads. In that eBook, add some links to relevant products and tools you use including free and paid. It’s important to write engaging content that will entice people to want to know more by checking out the products and tools.

If you have your own product be it software or eBook, you can create a trial version which can be upgraded to a full version for a fee. Offer that trial version as a free download for your subscribers as well as new visitors. Great sales can be made from this strategy. The more downloads you have, the more sales you can potentially generate.


Selling products on the Internet doesn’t have to resume to only digital goods. In some niches, you can easily sell physical or intangible goods.

For instance if you create a blog on fitness, weight loss or muscle-building, create some product pages selling exercise machines or equipment. Put some interesting content there like reviews, exercise benefits, product features etc… Find companies which offer affiliate programs for these type of products. Commission Junction is a good one which I recommend. It enables you to find affiliate programs on diverse topics.

There you have it. If you’re not taking care in monetizing your blog traffic wisely, you might be leaving money on the table. Sometimes, you don’t need to get more traffic to prosper. Just by using your existing traffic levels and improve the conversion rate by implementing new strategies and making tweaks, your online business can flourish more.

Do let us know how YOU monetize your blog traffic? Did you find anything out of this list here that you are looking forward to try? Simply use the comment form below to help us start conversation; I am waiting to read your blog monetization strategies.

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About jeanlam

Jean Lam operates several online businesses and enjoys writing articles on website marketing strategies, SEO, affiliate marketing and how to make money on the internet.

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