This is a guest post by Michael Chibuzor from Blast4Trafficnow.
I’m sure you have always wanted to take your blogging to the next level. Well, my case is no different; I have implemented some powerful stuff into my blogging adventure recently, and guess what? The results are SPEAKING LOUDLY.
Have you always wanted to be on top of the game, I mean, driving free targeted traffic and earning some decent cash in the process? Then this could be the most vital post to go through right now. Without much ado, let’s see how it all works to make you happy.
What’s An Idea?
It’s an insight that pops from nowhere and dropped on your brain like an egg. You can’t possibly explain the route it came from but certainly, it’s worthwhile to consider the relevance and how it can help you boost your business life. When an idea comes, sometimes we don’t analyze it. It’s very vital you PAUSE, find a seat and relax, then MEDITATE on that idea.
Don’t take action yet, it isn’t time for that. Yes, I know how powerful action taking could be, but until you are clear about a thing, it’s worthless to give it a shot. So, an idea is supposed to be slaughtered, you look within the content to determine the context of it. Once done, here’s how to supercharge your blogging and become the talk of all.
(1). Set A Blogging Goal
Quite a lot of bloggers don’t set goals for their business. This is a sure-bet for failure. Goals give you hope, fate and position you to see ahead. Those who don’t set goals are already heading for doom without realizing it. During the course of my blogging career, I learned so much from Brian Tracy that goal setting is the ULTIMATE step to earning more money.
When you set goals, it causes you to think, become responsible and eager to succeed. Zig Ziglar once said that goal setting is the true test of a man. The parallel line between pro bloggers and beginners (time wasters), is how much goal they have written on ink and paper.
Remember, if you don’t write it, you’re not serious about it.
Start today, set a goal for how much traffic you want to get daily, weekly and monthly. Map out your income generating strategies and decide what it takes to make it real.
(2). Accept Guest Posts From Others
We here a lot about guest posting and how it can help you. But, how many times have you read somewhere that accepting guest posts does a great work? Let me give you a hint. When I discovered how powerful accepting guest posts from other bloggers is, I literally opened my blog up for serious people and before I knew what was happening, my traffic and subscription increased significantly.
The Litmus Test is this: When you publish another person’s guest post, they would love to distribute it across the web, post it on their blog pages, share and tweet it. What do you think is happening, your blog address is going viral, creating powerful backlinks and boosting your pagerank. I have met several bloggers by simply publishing their posts on my blog. They now regard me like an expert (maybe I’m not really one)! The point is simple, until you act as though you are, no one would believe you.
(3). Don’t Be An Average, Be The Best
How do you be the best?
By having your own voice. Even though you have to learn from pro bloggers, by tapping into their arsenal of knowledge, don’t ever neglect that you have a blog to build. It’s your voice the people are looking for. Write authoritatively, give reference when necessary and don’t forget to stand behind your claims.
There is absolutely nothing special about blogging these days. Believe me, whatever you want to know about traffic generation has already been posted somewhere, is there anything about making money? Off course not. It’s either affiliate marketing, product creation, membership site and pay-per-click programs.
The bottom line is simple, every business online is directed towards SELLING.
We have all heard and read about it somewhere. So, why must I visit and read your blog, even going the extra mile to buy from you – it’s your voice that makes the difference. Take a look at A-list blogs like copyblogger, they don’t talk about the usual make money offers, but do you realize they make great figures monthly?
Don’t try to be like anyone. When you read a blog post from an expert, don’t try to write like him/her, create your web presence and listen to your inner spirit. You have all it takes to succeed. If you like this, share your frank comment and let others know what you think.
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