January 2012

This is a guest post by Jesse Langley from TechNected.com.

Along with other social tools, every blog in existence has an email sign-up. Signing up for an email is a sign of faith in the blog from the visitor. They’re putting their faith in you to give them interesting, relevant content.

Like any social contract, though, there are consequences if you break that trust: the dreaded unsubscribe button.

If readers unsubscribe, you can pretty much guarantee they won’t be coming back to your blog. Most people passively cut through their email content. Once they’re annoyed enough with you to actually go through the process of unsubscribing, they’re annoyed enough to stop visiting your site. Email marketing is only as valuable as its content.

The worst thing you can do is tell your readers every single time a post goes up. The truth is, they may love your site, but no one but your mother cares that much about your site. The trick, then, is to find a balance between overwhelming your readers and not communicating with them at all.

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