This is a guest post by Anshul Dayal from
The internet offers a world of opportunity for anyone looking to get out of the 9-5 daily rut and build a dream lifestyle of passive income. Truth be told, internet is possibly the only medium that can make the dream of real passive financial freedom truly possible. However, there is often an element of misguided confidence with how fast anyone can start making a full-time income online.
Many people are sold the dream lifestyle through expensive “get rich quick” training products, promised fancy cars, beaches and mega mansions. This often turns aspiring entrepreneurs into what you can describe as “opportunity seekers” and the number one reason a staggering 95% of the people fail to build the coveted dream lifestyle they always thought was possible.
So, why is it that there is such a high failure rate with people looking to make a living online, after all there has to be some element of truth to how all those online “gurus”, driving fancy cars got to be where they are.
You see, most people only ever get to see the result of what is possible with having a successful internet business. What they don’t get to see is the process, or how someone got from A-B. I have interviewed some of most successful online entrepreneurs and there is always a common theme in their story.
They failed for a very long time before they succeeded.
That is exactly what most aspiring entrepreneurs do not often get to see…
So, what is the real secret to achieving success online? Well, the answer may disappoint many people who may be anticipating the magicians code to be finally revealed. The secret in fact is the same as it is to be successful in just about anything in life:
- Set a clear goal
- Device a clear plan
- Take action
- Achieve results
Great, so how can you apply this method in an online business.
Well, the first one is easy. Everyone goes into the online world with one common goal:
Financial freedom.
But, how do you know which is the best plan to take action on? Ok, let me answer that for you.
From my experience, the best plan is always the simplest and that is exactly what I pursued, took action on a simple plan from start to finish and achieved great results.
Before I reveal my “simple” plan. I just want to take a few minutes to briefly mention some of the most popular and many ways you can make a living online for people who may be completely new to this world of opportunity.
Here Are My Top 5 Proven Ways To Make Money Online In 30 Days:
1. Sell Your Own Information Products
Internet is all about information right? When people are looking for information on the internet, more often than not, they are looking for a solution to a problem.
So, if you can think of problem you have the solution to, then there is an avenue to make some serious money online.
Simply, create an information product that solves a problem and adds value to someone else and you have a winning recipe.
2. Affiliate Marketing
There are many different ways you can make money from affiliate marketing and is often regarded as the second best option for people who may not want to put in the effort to create their own information product.
Simply find a product someone else has created, start promoting it and earn commissions! is the go to destination to find great information products you can start promoting on your website today.
You can also earn great commissions by promoting tangible health products from places like and
Email marketing is another powerful method of making money from affiliate marketing. Simply offer a free incentive (a hot report) to your visitors to subscribe to your list and then promote related affiliate offers to them and earn commissions.
3. Blogging
Are you passionate about a popular subject or a topic? Then, why not start writing about it and share your knowledge by starting a blog. Once you have built up enough of an audience, you can start looking at ways to monetize your blog through paid advertising, affiliate promotions and even selling your information products.
The key to success with creating a successful blog is to find a popular subject or a topic. Many people make the mistake of going into very small niches and are never able to build up enough of an audience to turn their blog into a business.
Also, I must mention that out of the all the methods I have discussed here, blogging is by far the slowest and most time-consuming. Internet is now jam-packed with blogs on just about any topic and it requires a significant amount of time and effort to build a loyal audience (something I achieved in just over 6 months).
Having said that, this method is also one of the best and most reliable ways to make very good income online in the long run if you can build a large and loyal audience.
4. Start An Online Store
This method of making money online comes closest to having a traditional business and just like a traditional business, the principle are exactly the same. Buy a product at wholesale, sell it online at retail and make a profit.
However, unlike other models discussed earlier, this method requires a significant amount of startup capital to make a full living as you will need to invest money to purchase wholesale stock to be be able to sell it for a profit.
If you do not wish to purchase stock upfront, then, you can also use something called “drop-shipping”, where you simply offer the product to your customers without stocking it and the supplier ships the product directly to your customers. For newbies, this is by far the quickest way to make that first $100 online. Simply grab all the “stuff” from around your house you don’t use, put it up for sale on marketplaces like eBay and make quick cash!
That’s exactly how I started my business on eBay where I have now sold more than $65,000 worth of products in the past six months.
5. Niche Marketing
Remember, the “simple plan” I was about to reveal earlier in this article (the one I used to say goodbye to my day job)?
This is it.
So, here is how it works. This strategy is based around the concept of finding a niche market full of hungry buyers or small group of people searching for information on a very specific type of product or service.
So, what is a niche market?
Let me explain. Think of a broad term or niche like “shoes” or something people may type into search engines to look for shoes. Now, such a broad niche may also contain many sub niches like womens shoes, mens shoes or children’s shoes, ok now let’s drill down further. Mens shoes may further include sub niches like mens sports shoes, mens formal shoes or mens casual shoes.
Great, now what about “mens ballroom shoes”? Very specific right? That is closest to what we can define as a small targeted niche market. A very small group of people looking for information on mens ballroom shoes.
So, how do you profit from this method? It’s quite simple:
- Research to find a hungry market
- Find an associated keyword
- Build a monetized website (using AdSense/Amazon affiliate links/Banner links)
- Drive traffic
- Make money
Given the fact there are literally hundreds and thousands of untapped niches on the internet, this strategy by far offers the simplest route for anyone looking to make a decent income online in the quickest amount of time.
In fact, I started making money using this method in as little as 30 days and haven’t looked back since.
Now, here is the best part.
Once you understand the correct process, there is almost no limit to how much or how often you can make money using this strategy, but that is the real key, following it from start to finish.
There are literally dozens of other ways of making money online I haven’t discussed here but regardless of the method you choose, it is absolutely imperative that you pick one method and follow it from start to finish and success will be yours.
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