Sushant Risodkar

With this post, I’m announcing the launch of much awaited guest blogging contest – “Guest Blogging Gone Crazy“. This contest will give you the ability to win various prizes that includes cash, themes, plugins, consultation, ebooks etc. just for guest posting on this blog along with the various benefits that guest blogging does.

First of all, I would like to Thank All The Sponsors who have made this contest possible plus a BIG Thanks to Ann Smarty who owns MyBlogGuest. MyBlogGuest is a friendly community of guest bloggers where people can search for blogs to guest post, search for guest author for their blogs and also engage in the other community talks. It’s the only website/forum dedicated to guest blogging. They are the official media promoter for this guest blogging contest.

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If you love blogging very much but not using the best blogging platform for it i.e WordPress then I must say that your online success is in big loss.

But if you have decided to use WordPress as your blogging platform, then that’s great. If you have already selected a domain name service provider, have picked your WordPress host and the type of hosting plan that suits you best, the next step is to go to and download WordPress. After that you need to install WordPress on your WordPress host, if it isn’t already preinstalled for you.

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Bloggers, I would like to announce about an upcoming contest coming over on SmartBloggerz…

No, your guesses are completely wrong! It is not another season of Commenting Idol.

Then What is it?? Well, I have decided to come up with a killer guest blogging contest for which I will need help of you as a sponsor.

The contest currently is titled as – “Guest Blogging Gone Crazy“…I hope you like it. If you have any better suggestion then let me know if by commenting or contacting me.

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WordPress is one of the popular blogging platform which offers almost full control on our blog. Due to this, most of us use our wordpress blog to its extreme limits by activating many plugins, using various kind of widgets, high quality design which thus results into slower loading time of the blog.

As you might be aware that Google recently included site speed as a factor for ranking websites thus it becomes important to optimize our wordpress blog speed not only to have the chance to get better rankings with that new signal but also to improve our readers experience and also to improve bounce rate. Because, if your blog is gonna be slow then people will look forward to fly off your blog.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• speed up wordpress dashboard

On April 9th, 2010 , Google finally declared that Website Speed really matters and they have now included this as one of the 200 signals which affects your rankings on Google.

The new algorithm is called as “Site Speed” which reflects how much time does a website takes to respond to a web request. If you have faster and relevant website then better are the chances of getting top rankings.

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