Sushant Risodkar

While writing articles for your website, you are creating it for 2 Audiences i.e Humans & The Search Engines. We should obviously try to write for Humans as they are the only one who are going to comment and be the website lover. But while doing so, we should not forget the one for whom everyone is going crazy, optimizing their website and from where most of their traffic comes from; it’s Search Engines.

Google always recommends writing for humans, not for search engines. I think it’s really a good advice and it means you will be writing the most compelling article to achieve the desired outcome of it. But on the other side, it also looks like a meaningless advice. If there were no search engines then websites would have look like brochures that were largely pictorial.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• human balance • striking search systems

Are you struggling to make your blog readers return to your blog? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Twitter only had a retention rate of 40% when they experienced massive growth, compared to FaceBook and MySpace who accomplished 70%, according to nielsen blog post. It’s safe to say that even most popular websites like Twitter in this case, experience difficulty in getting repeated traffic.

With all the efforts it takes to attract fresh readers, once you get them to your blog, you need to keep them interested in your blog. Here are some helpful tips for encouraging your visitors to stick around and come back to see what your have to tell:

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In Blogging, Selling Ad-Space directly rather than using any 3rd party services like Google Adsense could be a great way to make money blogging. Advertisers love advertising on blogs since the content is keyword rich and generally people trusts bloggers more than any e-commerce sites.

There are many reasons why selling Advertising Space for Banner Ads is a better alternative to Adsense or any other ad-networks. Here are a few of them:

  • You have complete control over who advertises on your site and when.
  • You don’t lose a chunk of your profits to commissions. Ad networks charge anywhere from 20-50% for placing ads automatically on your blog page/s.
  • You can Sell Ad Space based on time and not rely on clicks or impressions to get paid.
  • Since Ad Networks have an oversupply of inventory (Ad Space) to sell, they discount your space to advertisers up to 90% according to the Internet Advertising Bureau. That means less revenue in your pocket.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• advertise here banner • advertise here

When your blog is gaining success many people knock at doors asking to sell it to them. Same happened to me when Mr.X(I don’t want to Disclose it) told me that he is interested in purchasing

He stated that he is willing to pay anywhere between $7,500 – $18,000 for this blog which I actually didn’t ever realized that this blog price is set so high. He told me that the process of acquiring the blog will be made from escrow service like flippa or any else which I preferred.

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There are probably two obstacles that you come across often when you write articles for your blog; Lack of Inspiration and Plenty of Inspiration. Sometimes, you do not know what to write about and sometimes while writing article, your end or the whole article doesn’t say anything creative about the topic.

Before you can break a creative block, you need to be consciously aware of why they happen.

  • You are Stressed or feeling sick
  • You are having lots of issues in your occupational, financial… life
  • You have no plan for a specific piece of work
  • Lack of knowledge of a topic, or concern that you don’t know enough
  • You are not able to write up down your thoughts properly

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