After long time, it looks like Google PageRank has been updated for many web sites. Though SmartBloggerz HomePage still remains a PR4 blog but I can confirm this news because In October month, due to breaking of some rules of Google Webmaster Policy, I had to live with a N/A PageRank. But My whole blog was properly indexed and was receiving Google traffic.
The Rule I broke was that the links were do-follow in the text link and banner ads.
After that, I just went and made all of them NoFollow and striclty added a clause in the “Advertise Page” about this. Then I filed in a Re-Consideration Request in Google and the result was that the PageRank was recived back and now all my readers can enjoy it.
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You might be knowing many bloggers with authority; we have seen how efficiently they manage their blogs & how successfully they run their blogs and receive massive amount of traffic. Watching these authority bloggers many people are inspired and they also get a feeling of starting their own blog to become a successful blogger and make money online.
This is not an easy task as it might look to someone, but if you focus on it in proper perspective, you will have more chances of achieving your goals.
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How would you like visiting your twitter profile, your favorite blogs, Youtube and many other places daily for checking updates? Do you think you will be able to check so many updates quickly in one day and also do the rest of your work?

Ingboo is a cool web based app that takes all of the feeds you have, your accounts such as your twitter and your online interests such as finding a job, low prices and discounts on products or simply flagging keywords for you and puts them all in one place. IngBoo delivers this information in a single, clutter-free, constantly refreshed “IngBoo list” which ensures you are always receiving the timeliest updates. It’s incredibly simple to use also.
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Recently, Mashable told about a new bug in which with the help of Google you can see private twitter profiles by using – site:*private profile* Here we are taking billclinton profile as an example.
But the problem is that you can only see some little words in the search results of Google and no cache.
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Top 10 Search Terms: • how to view private twitter profiles • how to view a private twitter profile • view private twitter profiles • how to see a private twitter profile • view twitter private profile • see private twitter profiles • view private twitter profile • Twitter private profile • how to view twitter private profile • twitter private account bug
Just Imagine that you tried hard to increase your feed readers but suddenly you see that the subscribers count is gradually decreasing. At first, you think it would be some problem in Feedburner or any other feed carrier but later on you came to know that people are really unsubscribing your blog feeds.
It is a fact that subscribers will help your blog to stay alive. This is because they are your regular readers and it takes a lot of hard work to build a good subscriber base.
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