Sushant Risodkar

Making your blog do most of the things automatically is really a great deal. Automatic blogging is a one of the most powerful tools of affiliate marketers who are making Big Buck$. Even I have started using automated blogging plugin to make money with the affiliate products on my affiliate blogs. Thanks to Thomas,the creator of Wp-Robot plugin who gave his premium plugin to me for free to enjoy it’s awesome features.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• WP Robot torrent • wp robot • wp automation • wprobot torrent • WP Robot WordPress plugin

Great news for WordPress users that WordPress 2.8.1 is now available for the download. So update or download it for your blog as soon as possible to enjoy the wordpress more properly.

This release of wordpress includes many bug fixes & security updates, including an important one that affects only few plugins (more about it here).

The update was very quick and took hardly 5sec. But the sad thing is that, the BlogRoll have disappeared from my blog due to this update. I am searching for the reasons and will make that thing work asap.

Update: The BlogRoll widget got deleted automatically. Don’t know why. But I have added it again.

I think this news is confirmed and you might see my blog on the first page of Google for the keyword “blogging tips“. I think it will remain stable this time. I am saying the word “stable” here because I actually achieved the 1st page of Google for this keyword many times but it always used to fluctuate a lot. But right now it’s not happening from few days.

I know most of you will go now and start searching right now to see if this is truth or not but lemme tell you first that you might see different position in different countries. Right now when searched for that keyword on and in India, the blog appeared on the 1st positions.

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Who would have ever thought about it? Blogging, which started out in 1994(source:Wikipedia) as random rambling by a few internet users who considered them nothing more than online diaries. But not anymore…

Blogging is not only commonplace but it can also be a key component in online business success.

Why has it become such a phenomenon? No doubt the convenience plays a major role. Blogs can be easily be set up and used. Also unlike traditional website building, blogs require mostly very less technical expertise which means no fooling around with HTML and PHP codes and the like.

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Hey Readers! From today onwards till 31st July, this blog will be having “Commenting Idol” contest that means if you are in the top commentator list which is placed at the right side of my blog at the end of 31st July then you can have a chance to win some prizes.

(Note to My friends: The launch time got delayed by few hrs. as the banner for this contest was being made at that time but nevertheless the contest is now launched.)

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