Sushant Risodkar

Cron jobs is a scheduling program in Unix that can execute your script periodically. Most bloggers need cron jobs to back up their blogs, send emails, RSS feeds, or even auto blogging with WP-o-Matic.

Unfortunately, most web hosting providers disabled or limited cron jobs feature in their hosting services. Some will suspend users accounts if they used too much server resources for cron jobs

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Today I got an invitation from Liane, a Young Blogger of same age as mine(16) from BetterBloggingForBloggers to give her a feedback on his newly launched e-book related to Blogging.

The Slogan of this e-book – “A Comprehensive Guide to Blogging for Blogger who are aiming for $uccess” , really fits the content of this e-book. It’s a FREE E-book containing a lot of useful information for both newbie and pro-bloggers as well.

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commentluv-bloggerBlogger Platform users it’s time that you can say Hurray! because popular wordpress plugin CommentLuv which I am using it in my blog to share luv with my commentators is now also available for Blogger users.

This actually got released a week ago but I didn’t blogged about it at that time as the site( was having some problems with their servers while installation. But now everything is good and I have tested it on my blogspot test blog.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• commentluv for blogger • comment luv for blogger • CommentLuv blogger • comment luv blogger

Do you have any strategy you use for writing articles? Do you plan out all the necessary details;  i.e. an outline, or do you simply just sit down on your chair and start writing?

Developing a good strategy can help you to improve your productivity skills, plus improve your writing and editing skills.

The stages through which writing goes are: Planning, Pre-writing, Drafting, Revising and Editing. There is also a break time as one of a stage while writing your article.

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As you know search engines like Google shows different search results based on your country for many keywords. A few days back I was talking to my Chinese friend about this thing and those ideas today I am sharing with you through this blog post. Please note that the ideas mentioned here are just assumptions based on the search results we got while testing this trick.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• how to rank website higher in google for a specific country
