Sushant Risodkar

your-blog-suck1Do you get few readers on your blog? Your readers don’t bother to comment on those articles? You don’t even receive a penny on your blog ads? If you are having these problems; Then you should look at these 21 Reasons your Blog may not be so popular amongst the readers:

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Recently when I visited Alexa for cheeking my blog rankings; I was surprised to see it’s cool new look. I really like it it’s new web 2.0 feel. With Blue color, it is seriously looking way better than earlier. The new look is lot more appealing and user friendly.

Now it is looking great in comparison to other competitive site ranking like and .

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Yipee..I am really surprised right now that My blog is PR4 from PR3 which is seriously I didn’t expected. I expected that my blog PR might fall or might remain the same because I shifted from Blogger to WordPress in Feb due to which there were many broken links throughout the blog(which affects the blog PR). Also the old backlinks were also considered as dead. But still I got increase in my blog PR.

*Update – I just checked PR of my internal pages. And I am surprised to see that many of them have a PR mostly PR3 and PR2.

Thanks Google

What about your PageRank guys?

internal-link-building-stratergiesToday, I am going to talk about the most overlooked Link Building strategies. Most of the times I am surprised how most people completely ignores this powerful link building strategies. This is how sites like Wikipedia and Amazon dominates the front page of Google. It’s actually your own internal Link structure. The internal links within your own site can have a large impact over your Search Engine Rankings. This is especially true if you are having a large website/blog with many pages.

You can increase the ranking of the individual pages within your site by adding the right link in strategic places. In fact you can boost your own Search Rankings simply by modifying and doing few simple tweaks to the internal link structure of your site. You are basically funneling the link juice within your own site to boost certain pages of your site.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• Internal Link Building • Be the first to add your link and boost search engine rankings today! Just click here to add your link now! • what is internal link building

Recently, When I was just surfing around on Ezinearticles I came across a google ad. When I looked closely at it; BOOM!! JohnChow was advertising through Google adwords.

Why he needed the use of Google Adwords? The answer I got with the help of Shoemoney might be that JohnChow is actually banned from google for some keywords which seriously have affected his affiliate business.

See this EXCLUSIVE Screenshot:-

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