Sushant Risodkar

Content distribution is one of the very best way to get laser targeted traffic coming to your website. Plus, it’s one of the best way to get notice online and quickly they become an authority in your market. I also call this method ‘The 10X Process’ by which you can get 10 times more exposure by converting your single article into different formats and then distributing it to the respected places.

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With the internet booming like never before, it’s easy to see that right now it is a good time to be in affiliate sales. With lots of new products launching everyday there is a whole list of things that you can promote. You don’t have to deal with your customers or support or billing or any of the other crazy things that come with owning your own product. You have to simply select a product, and promote it in any way you want.

This is not any how to promote a product article. What I am going to discuss here is what products to promote. Many times affiliates get so caught up in promoting the products for their maximum benefit that we forget a very important factor i.e The Product.

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Are you a blogger who gets bored while writing post? If yes, then Beware! It might kill your passion on writing someday. First you need to find out the problem behind it. Perhaps, the problem might be about finding idea. Or, if you are not a blog star, so your blog post has a small amount of comments.

If your problem is the 2nd one, you don’t ever need to be a blog star to get a large amount of comments. Here are some tips on how to get more comments on your blog post:

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Social Networking Blogs are essentially blogs hosted by somebody else that you get to maintain. Here are some popular Social Sites:


Let’s take the example of Squidoo. Specially Google; and some other engines love this site. At Squidoo you can put your page called as ‘Lens’ If you see, most squidoo pages gets a very good PR(PageRank).

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There are lots of controversy going on blogosphere that whether you should blog for fun or to make some decent money online. There are different aspects and you guessed it right that there are certainly no wrong or right answers, only opinions. There are positives and negatives associated with both schools of thought, but there are a few things that both sides have in common.

Most of the time it is found that blogs which are taken cared by “moms” are just for their fun use and their life experience. No matter whether an individual person believes that blogging should or shouldn’t be used for making money online, some people agrees that there should be some guidelines or restrictions to it.

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