Sushant Risodkar

Many people dream of blogging for profit, and this goal is not far afar the scope of somebody with middling intelligence, willingness to work hard, and an essential grasp of blogging technology. However, very few people handle to harvest the profits they want from their blog. Most people who effort to make money with their blogs do not succeed for two reasons.

Many times, bloggers have really unrealistic expectations of how swiftly their readership will grow and how much money they would be able to make and when these expectations are not met with them the disappointment can crush the desire to continue blogging. The other ambush that many bloggers plunge into has to do with lack of planning. If you want to change a profit as a blogger, the key to winner is to make a realistic plan or idea and join with it.

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Do you know why many of times you get just 1-10 cents for the clicks on your blog?

One of the main reason is because your ad boxes are showing MFA(Made For Adsense) ads. These MFA sites have lots of crappy content or in some cases no content at all, yes seriously.

Any content if present would be describing an affiliate program or product with lots of excerpts of interviews and recommendations from their so called users who have benefited after using their products. Or in some cases you would only see a search box , 3 blocks of Google ads, 3 text link ads with welcome to my site logo in the middle.

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The number of inbound links to your blog decides the popularity of it. The more the back link building , the more famous it would be on the Web. Search engines like Yahoo and Google also trust good quality inbound links. Link building is a tough and slow job but continuous work on it rewards you with traffic. You should try and create quality content for your blog to help build links faster.

There are some SEO companies available on the internet which can help you in this Link Building process which could increase the credibility of your blog at a very reasonable amount.

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Hey, this is my first post on wordpress. Now I think I should tell you first that I have completely shifted to wordpress with proper plugins needed. Just searching for minor bugs in the burrows (if any) 🙂

Well, In last few days I was played with many WP themes but many of them were not as much suitable for my blog. Currently this theme will be made in use till April, and then possibly will start hunting for any new free or paid theme.

Hope will get back to posting articles from tomorrow.

and yes; A special note to my current advertisers that I have added 5 days in your advertisement period which occurred while shifting my blog 🙂

For every new blogger having a his new blog is really an interesting experience. You feel awesome when people reads your blog, people comment and you start getting recognition in the blogosphere.
Many people start blogging thinking that they will be the next Darren Rowse or Jeremy or some other inspirational blog in just few days. But when they come to know that they have not really got anything which they expected; they give up!..phew.

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