Now Finally I have decided that I will move to WordPress Platform in coming months. The reason being that many of my friends are saying that your blog is awesome and are advising me that you should really shift to wordpress for more profitability.
Hopefully I will start on shifting process at the end of March since there are my final school board exams starting later this month and It would end on 28th March(phew).
Till that time I think I will work with this blog to gather more funds which I currently need something like $100; hopefully by advertising-affiliate sales and donations(luckily).
If you would like to help me in shifting to wordpress then please Donate some money from your wallet or you can also help me by advertising on my blog.
So, bye bye right now. See you tomorrow.
Adsense is one of the most popular and first choice to make money online. But many times while registering to the Adsense; they don’t tend to read those long ‘Terms and Conditions‘.
So, Today I will tell you some of the important Do’s and Don’ts from those long TOS which you should always remember.
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In this period of recession, most people are being affected by it. Everyone wants to know how they can easily make money in this period of money crisis without much investments. WealthFromCrisis is the answer from me to make money in these crisis.
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A great way to expose your article on the search engines is to optimize your articles as if they were pages on your website. Here’s how you can get an article ranked well and generate tons of traffic:
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Top 10 Search Terms: • Powered By: Article Friendly • powered by article friendly • HowToCreateASearchEngineFriendlyArticle
Yes, It have started happening right now just few minitues ago. If you search for any term; yes any term in google search you will see a short message that “This site may harm your computer.”
OMG. It’s really strange happening out here. My question is that is their any Hacking Attack over Google..Yes, it could happen.
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Top 10 Search Terms: • is google hacked right now • funny google did you mean searches • is google being hacked right now