Sushant Risodkar

One of the reader recently commented on my blog to know how I show some widgets on the blog main page and it hides away on the content or item pages. The answer of this I will say that I use Conditional Tags in my Blogger Template which gives “condition” to any widget that where to appear and where not to. I am using these conditional tags at many places in my blog.

So through this post I will teach you that how you can easily make use of these Conditional Tags in your template and easily play with the positions of your widgets 🙂

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• only display widget certain pages blogger • blogger conditional tags

If you are a blogger user then you might know that old ugly looking link for Newer-Older Posts and Homepage. So I decided to change this thing in my blog and now will tell you how to do it in your blog easily. This will help you in easy blog navigation for your blog readers also it will look more attractive than previous thus it will help in increase in page views.

How to do this?

First of all backup your template for any unnecessary problems and for each trick we will go to LAYOUT ► EDIT HTML ► and then click on Expand widget templates.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• blogger older posts • OLDER POSTS BLOGGER • older post blogger • code ältere posts • how to add older posts link in blogger • older posts blogger code • blogger older post • older post blogger code • blogger older posts link • blogger older posts code

Well you might have heard of many Google Pagerank estimation tools on net which estimates your blog Pagerank on the basis of backlinks. But most of the times they are almost useless and doesn’t predicts properly or are mostly down.

So today I will tell you about a thing which many of you might have not observed carefully but yes this thing is provided by Google which gives you a Pagerank estimation but not in numbers; it gives estimation in the form of stats(historogram).

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Well this is new gadget specially for blogger users. This gadget shows your blog post randomly one by one with excerpt. You can easily install it in 3 steps and can place it above the posts or somewhere else.

You can have a look at the demo blog with it’s proper working. Click Here For the demo blog!

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When an online marketer is designing and setting up web pages they may use a Meta information to allow search engines to gain an understanding of what their website or web page is designed to do for visitors.

In the following article I will try to cover almost all the necessary things related to META Tags. OK Then we will first start of with the basic:

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• different types of meta tags • the element type meta must be terminated by the matching end-tag </meta>
