Sushant Risodkar

In bringing your blog to high ranking on Google search for this competition, all you have to do is structuring your blog and then optimize its page content for search engine spiders. This approaching will enhance the blog visibility by empowering all aspects and elements of pages which will raise the blog page relevancy in Google.

One of the main factors that play an important role in Google algorithm that determine page relevancy is keyword usage. Google look these below mentioned keyword factors and apply a sort of relevancy score for each page of your blog.

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Hey Everyone. I am here with my first blog contest called Smart Bloggerz Smart Contest. I received a very good response from the sponsors and I will share those prizes with the participants. I think this contest would be a phenomenal success for me and for every sponsor too. So first let’s look at the prizes below.

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Hi guys..I have decide to kick in with a blog contest for the first time here.For that I want your help i.e the sponsorship prizes.This Contest Will Help both the participants and the sponsorship to get something out of this contest.

The Participants will have chance to get exclusive prizes for which I am searching and will let you know.

The Sponsor will Get:

1.Enormous Backlinks since I am gonna spread it all over the net in a serious manner thus it will help you increase pagerank and many other types of rank’s.

2.Increase in Readership and Traffic of your blog

3.Above things might result in increase in the sales/clicks on ads i.e your blog income.

And Many more things can happen with the help of it…

So If you are interested in then please send me a mail via Contact link you can sponsor anything only one exception is there that if you are sponsoring Entrecard Credits the let it be a min of 1000.

It was a shocking scene for Mumbai for 2 days when Terrorist attacked hotels Taj, Oberoi and many other places and killed several people including over Brave Officers which also includes HEMANT KARKARE,ASHOK KAMTE & VIJAY SALASKAR.

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If you’ve been doing any kind of reading about link building, then you’ve probably seen people mentioning “nofollow” and “dofollow” links. These are very important terms to understand when you are trying to build great links back to your site in order to increase your search engine rankings. But, to the person who is new to all of this, it may be kind of confusing. I am going to help you break it down.

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