Hi! As you might have read while entering the blog that my exams are going but still I can not wait so long therefore I am writing this post to aware you about How Free Domain Names Affect your Blog.
Many People while starting blogging basically uses a free domain name like .tk,.co.nr,.uni.cc and many more fundoo domains.They have to do this basically due to lack of funds just like what happened with me while starting blogging but later on managed in giving my blog it’s own domain.
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Hello everybody..I am again bringing you an awesome magazine blogger template called “Rebel”.It is designed by Filipina and Netrepreneur Chiq Montes of WPThemeDesigner,and converted to blogged by nhc of themelib.It looks to be simple but very eye catchy with it’s stylish boders and colomns.
Have a look at it below:

Madmagazine was originally a wordpress theme designed by dreamtemplate.com and Deinesh of bloganol have converted it into blogger template so that the blogger users can also enjoy this template.
It is very stylish template with plain background.Have a look at it’s screenshot below or visit the demo blog.

After writing an article people thinks a lot for the next article for their blog same as I do. Blogger’s give lot’s of pressure to their brain for the next article which should attract readers toward it.
You sit in front of your monitor and stare at the white screen where the typing cursor is blinking… but your mind doesn’t seem to come up with any ideas.
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Hey guys just got a really fantastic news for you all.I have got a coupon code from Godaddy with which you can get the .com domain at $1.99.I don know If it’s working I just saw this posted on DP a min ago so thought about sharing with you.Some people say that you can register only one domain per account so hurry jump to Godaddy choose any domain Enter the code before godaddy bans this code and Enjoy!

Coupon code: 199TEST
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