Distributred By Jackbook.com
Powered By TemplatesTreasure.Blogspot.com
Designed By FarFromFearless.com
Yeah finally the extremely beautiful blogger template is here.After struggling with blogger HTML/XML codes, now this Lemon Twist “Awesome” Blogger Template is available to download.
You can download this template through the download link down there, but if you need some demo first, you can check the Lemon Template Demo Blog here (leave your comment there), or just view the snapshot below.
Lemon Twist Blogger Template

Ah I don’t even have any word to describe how beautiful this template is. All i can say is just “PERFECT!”
A great salute and credit to Chris Murphy, the WordPress Theme Creator. He made it so well. Chris make this wordpress theme based on his own site. He is using this same wordpress theme too actually.
Another wordpress theme designer who release his own site design as a free to download wordpress theme is my friend DezinerFolio.com. They also share their site theme for free. And as you can see, the web 2.0 template is just so beautiful.
OK back to this Lemon Twist Blogger Template, to install this template, you have to upload the javascripts file to your own Googlepages, or any file hosting you got.
Please follow instructions below to install this template.
- Backup your current template first
- Backup all the widgets (optional)
- This template on default needs at least 4 HTML/Javascript widgets.
So if your current template has least then 4 HTML / Javascript widgets, go create the rest widgets before uploading the xml file. You can get all the sample of the widget codes included inside the ZIP file
- Upload the template via the Blogger Template Uploader on your dashboard
- Done
What should do after Installing this template: (UPDATED!)
- Change your blog setting to show only 1 post on the homepage.
1. Go to your blog setting page
2. Go to Formatting tab
3. Change the value of the first field with 1
4. go to the next step below
- Set your post time stamp / date format with the same format as the date format on the demo blog.
- Set your feed URL.
1. Go to your HTML Editor
2. Find this code <a href=’#Your-Feed-URL-Here’>RSS 2.0</a>
3. Change the URL with your own Feed URL
4. save the template. done
This below is new added
- Look at the comment list. there is a difference between the author
comment and the readers comment. To set that please follow the
instructions below.
1. Go to your blogger template editor, and find this code below
<b:if cond=’data:comment.author == “TemplatesTreasure.blogspot.Com“‘>
See the bolded TemplatesTreasure.blogspot.Com? Change that with your Blogger Name
2. Find this code below
<img alt=’Gravatar’ class=’gravatar’ src=’http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/6801/authorgravataryu9.jpg‘/>
yes, change the bolded one with your 64×64px image.
3. Find this code below
<img alt=’Gravatar’ class=’gravatar’ src=’http://img229.imageshack.us/img229/5111/authorgravatarsmallid4.jpg‘/>
change the bolded with your 32×32px image.
4. Find this code below
background: url(”http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/6345/authornb8.jpg“) no-repeat left;
change the bolded with your 75×75px image
Some more new added features:
- Built in Swap Blogger Title Hack
- The images needed by this template are all hosted on ImagesHack.us
I host all the images onto my ImagesHack.Us so it should has a larger
bandwith limit there. I still recommend you host all the images to your
own googlepages, or ImagesHack or any other free images hosting out
there but it’s optional anyway.
JackBook.Com has so many readers, and so many people using my templates. Thousands copies of my templates being downloaded every week.
My googlepages account exceed the bandwith limit everyday, even now I
use ImagesHack to host the images, but considering that JackBook.Com
Templates have so many users there is still a possibility that my
ImagesHack Account exceed the bandwith limit too. So it’s still
recommended for you to host all the images to your own images hosting. But again, it’s optional. You can leave it as is if you want to.
- Featured Post on the Homepage Blog.
Not like the other templates, this template has a featured post section
on the homepage. Your last post will be the featured one. so the
featured post is automatic. you don’t have to set it manually.
- Beautiful Comment list, with a List of Commentator on a separate panel. Just take a look on the demo here and tell me that you don’t love it
- Using JQuery provided by Google.
Because the Javascript file hosted on Google Server and used by many
other website too, It should load faster then if you host it on your
own file hosting.
OK I guess that’s all. I will add more update later if there is something to add.
You can download the template via the link below.

or download the wordpress theme here.
Now let me know how do you think about this template? Leave your feedback on the comment form below. thanks
Currently if you want to change the flicker images on the bottomfooter, you have to do it manually since it is not widgetized yet. Idon’t know how to get the flicker javascript codes, since on the wordpress theme it uses a php script to generate that images.
It would be great if any of you knows how to get the flicker codes :), just tell me on the comment. thanks
new added: OK here is a tip from Amanda Fazani, a good friend from Blogger Buster
If you still need the JavaScript for Flickr photostreams, you can get the code from here: http://www.flickr.com/badge.gne
You’ll need to log in with a Yahoo account to access this, and
may also need to tweak the code generated for your needs. I have used
this in Blogger before now, and it’s really useful once you get the
hang of using it.
Thanks Amanda.

Update #2:
Oops there are some points you have to do after installing this
template that I forgot to mention on the post. Now I have update it,
please read the instruction again.
Update #3:
How to change the top image on the header? The FarFromFearless Image?
- Go to your template
- Find this line “http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/8227/logoom3.png“
- Change that image with your own 376×91px image
- It is recommended that you save that image and modify it with your own image editor.
- thanks
Can’t Add New Page Elements / Widgets ?
Some readers said that they can’t add any new page elements, if only they mentioned what’s the error message too.
Well because you guys didn’t give me the error message, then I can
only predict about what happened. I guess you guys didn’t follow my
instruction about that this template require at least 4 HTML /
Javascript widgets.
Make sure that you have at least 4 HTML Widgets. To fix this problem, I guess you just easily re-upload this new template.
I have met this problem once before, and I can fixed it by uploading the XML file twice. Hope it works. Thanks
Update #4:
How to add the Horizontal Menu on the Top Header?
OK, because there are already 2 or more friends who asked this question, here is the answer.
Actually I have mentioned about this on the post above.
After you download the template, you will see a text file named: Widget_Content.txt included in the zip file.
just open it, and you will see the content of that widget.
<a href="http://www.google.com" title="Home">home</a>
<a href="http://www.yahoo.com/" title="About">About</a>
<a href="http://www.templatestreasure.blogpsot.com/" title="Archive">Archive</a>
<a href="http://www.gmail.com/" title="Portfolio">Portfolio</a>
<a href="http://www.wordpress.com/" title="Contact">Contact</a>
Put that codes inside the widget of HTML3
and it should be done. thanks