To make dropping faster and convenient, I listed Few of the Entrecard Droppers Site’s.Feel free to drop on who ever who wish from the list below, I’m sure they will appreicate it and the majority of them are very good at dropping back.If your blog is included in this list, it means that you are one of those webmasters who drop your card in my blog.If you wish to include your blog in this list, just post a comment below with your link and I will add later on the list…!!!
Here Is The List,Each group consist of 10 sites:
This not Updated Now More
Today,watching the MTV ticker I came to know about the Google Chrome Launching.So,I thought why i don’t make a post about it and having your views about Google’s new entry.
Google announced their new open-source browser called “Google Chrome” yesterday and even more interestingly, explained the concepts behind their browser technology in a simple comic book.
I downloaded Google Chrome today morning and it installed in a flash. And first time when I opened, it gave an option of importing settings and bookmarks from my firefox.

Since you already can download a beta version of Google Chrome, which I think looks more ready than just a beta, the man can test for themselves.Here are some main points of Google’s Chrome:
- Fast to get. Quick to get.And Not A Memory Sucker Like Firefox..
- The start of the programme leading to a meeting with a iGoogle-like site, integrated with the history, favorites and other things which we hope to snare users.
- Address bar is like in Firefox 3, it gives suggestions for similar pages Monday touched on, or might think fit anyway.A google search of the mini is already happening in the address.
- Interaction should be done through the Web, rather than through the interface to the browser (remember delicious instead of bookmarks in your browser).
- The title of the window in focus takes over the title to the entire window.
- Chrome’s tabs are independent of one another. Meaning that if the page you’ve loaded in one tab crashes all your other tabs are fine. Again, for a guy that has dozens of tabs open in his browser all the time (many with blog posts and emails in various stages of completion) that’s handy.
- Chrome has an “incognito” function that is pretty much what it sounds like. When you open an “incognito” window or tab your browsing is entirely secure. No stored history. No stored cookies. Nothing. I’ll leave it to your imaginations as to what that feature is supposed to be used for.
Here is how my blog Looks in Chrome:

So what are thinking about this launch?Is it going to be successful enough to beat that Firefox Bully..?
Drop Shadow is a 2-column WordPress Theme, created with a modern, yet elegant look, It’s very light template (in size) originally designed by Brian Gardner – author of excellent Revolution Music theme. This theme was converted from WordPress Theme to Blogger Template by
NOTE:The First & Foremost thing you have to do while insalling this template is upload the 4 images given with this template to your own space and change the url.I have uploaded them for a temporary basis and may cause you bandwith related problems due to which images won’t load.So don’t blame me for that stupidity..

Features included :
- Two columns with right sidebar
- Modern design with elegant look
- Built-in RSS feed
- Built-in search box
- Nice navigation tab
- Nice comment style
- Google Adsense ready (468×60 banner, 250×250 sidebar)
Do It Yourself!
Step 1. Set up the Top Navigation

Press Ctrl+F to find these lines
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Blogger</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Templates Treasure</a></li>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl + "feeds/posts/default"'>RSS</a></li>
Change them as you like.
Step 2. Change Google Adsense code
This blogger template is integrated well with Adsense 468×60. Search for <div class=”ads”>
,it will be at two places, you will see the Adsense code nearby, replace the code to yours. If you don’t have ads to use, you can leave my default ads (I’m very thankful for that) or delete the code. It is safe.Make Sure that you encode those adsense script otherwise it will create problems for you.Use this
Step 3. Change The Blog Description

Press Ctrl+F to find these lines
<a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Drop Shadow</a><br/>
<b>Blogger Template Distributed by</b>
Change it according to your needs…
If You Like The template Then Do Reply>>.