Sushant Risodkar

Hi!I will be now giving 200 ec* to the user who made highest drops for the month and 50 ec who acquires second place also i will mention the top 10 drops blog name with a link to it.For eg. The Top Dropper Of This month currently looks like :

These stats will be updated after 2 days so the people with highest number of drops will get
300 ec.As you can see there can be a tie also,in case of tie everyone will get 200 ec and 50 ec respectively .

So,this month is now almost over.after 2 days try to drop everyday on my blog and get awarded 200 ec.


*Updated on 27/8/2008


Recently there was a post posted yesterday about the feed burner hack by which you can get many feedburner subscriber.

Established blogs like ReadWriteWeb and Techcrunch proudly show a Feedburner chicklet that displays the sites popularity. But beware – since people are more likely to subscribe to a site with a bigger amount of readers, some sites manipulate the counter.

Every once and a while co-editor Patrick and I stumble on a shady looking website with a ton of readers. That made us wonder whether Feedburner is hackable. I’ve sacrificed my personal blog for a hacking experiment and the result; faking your subscriber count IS possible!

We found an easy way to hack Feedburner (Not the obvious hack that simply steals a chicklet from a popular site). Looking at the subscriber count at some sites, we’re not the first ones who found out, but we are the first ones to write it down. All it takes is an OPML file, a Netvibes Universe, and a good night’s sleep.

How to manipulate your Feedburner subscribers in two minutes

Feedburner hacked! from Boris Veldhuijzen van Zanten on Vimeo.

Moral of the story is: everybody can have a lot of Feedburner readers, which makes the service questionable as a measurement of performance. It’s up to Google/Feedburner to fix things up.

Once they do this, it will be very interesting to see which blogs suddenly lose a bunch of subscribers…

One of the Major Problem Blogger users have is whenever they try to change their templates , They will loss their widgets even if they take backup of their template. After Changing their template , they need to add widgets again manually. It’s really annoying and time consuming process.

Is there any way to Backup our Widgets ?

yes . We can backup our widgets before changing our template.

How to backup Blogger Widgets ?

It’s really simple guys , before changing template search your widgets code without putting check in expand widgets box.

Select the widget code as shown in the image below.

Now save the widget codes shown in between yellow box to notepad. Copy and Paste all your widget codes.

After doing this Upload your New Template . After uploading you will get a message like this

At This stage don’t click Confirm & save tab. Rather search for the following code , Now paste the widget codes you have saved immediately above or below the code in yellow

After adding the widget codes save your template.
That’s it ! Now you will have all widgets that you used in your previous blogger template.

How This works ?

Blogger will keep the widget content on their database with unique widget id.

I hope this hack will be very useful to you guys. Tell me your suggestions in our comment form , If you have any doubts ask there I will help you.

Blogger has restored all accounts which were mistakenly locked down yesterday under suspicion of spam!

Here’s an official statement from the Blogger Buzz blog:

We want to offer our sincerest apologies to affected bloggers and their readers. We’ve tracked down the problem to a bug in our data processing code that locked blogs even when our algorithms concluded they were not spam. We are adding additional monitoring and process checks to ensure that bugs of this magnitude are caught before they can affect your data.

At Blogger, we strongly believe that you own and should control your posts and other data. We understand that you trust us to store and serve your blog, and incidents like this one are a betrayal of that trust. In the spirit of ensuring that you always have access to your data, we have been working on importing and exporting tools to make it easier to back up your posts. If you’d like a sneak peek at the Import / Export tool, you can try it out on Blogger in Draft.

Our restoration today was of all blogs that were mistakenly marked as spam due to Friday’s bug. Because spam fighting inherently runs the risk of false positives, your blog may have been mis-classified as spam for other reasons. If you are still unable to post to your blog today you can request a review by clicking Request Unlock Review on your Dashboard.

Many bloggers who were affected by this issue were justifiably inflamed by yesterday’s incident, and I sincerely hope this apology will go some way to quell dissent against this otherwise great blogging platform.

Before going to the templates,today i want to tell you the newest achievement of TemplatesTreasure.
As you can see in the screenshot,the tracker said that the blog was having almost 61 users online for almost 10 mins. which breaks our previoud record of 42 users online at a time.In few days I will be introducing my new project which will help your blog very much So Stay Tuned with us.

Thank You!

Blogger Template: Notepad

Today I have brought a Free 3 Column premium blogger template by Info Creek.This premium blogger theme is called Note Pad.If you look to the design of this template in the Demo, you will be really amazed.How beautifully the Designer has design this skin.I hope you will really like this template.Download now this template from below.If you have any problems in installing this template, ask me right here right now!You must have a look at the demo blog by me to see this awesome template.


You can use the following color combination’s to completely blend the ads with the template:

Also Read Get Your Individual Post Date Stamp Working

Blogger Template:Gabfire maq

*Due to lack of Bandwith images might not load so plz. upload it on your own host

It’s a turkish wordpress template design and gosu liked this and decided to converted into blogger .

Gabfire maq has 3 columns and 2 ad spaces for 160 x 600 on left ads and 250 x 250 on right which means you can get high CTR using this Adsense ready blogger template. Also it has a nice navigation menu and a stylish background . I’m sure most of you will love this template . Do not forget to subscribe my RSS feeds.

Gabfire Maq Blogger XML Template

  • 3 columns
  • 2 special ad spaces
  • Stylish navigation menu
  • Supports widgets on Blogger
  • XML template
  • Adsense Ready
  • XHTML & CSS compliance

Adding More Menus to Navigation

Find the lines below from your template using CTRL + F combination.

<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>

Now add your menus like the example below AFTER the lines above.

<li><a href="MENU LINK">MENU NAME</a></li>

Now preview and if its ok save your template.

Top 10 Search Terms:

• high ctr blogger template
