Sushant Risodkar

There are is huge Chance that when you first install a template your timestamp format won’t be set properly and you’ll see an “undefined” message instead of the post date.

You’ll need to make one small change in your “Settings” => “Formatting” => “Timestamp Format” section before it will work. Change whatever you currently have to this format: “Sunday, April 13, 2008″ and then save. Make sure you change the “Timestamp Format” which is the 4th one down. Your template should now work properly.


iTheme Techno blogger template is the beautiful template with Mac OS interface design, drag & drop sidebar (we are the FIRST who use it for a blogger template!), and beautiful mini icons. Originally, this theme is designed by Nick La.

By downloading and using this template, you agree to the following terms:

  • You may NOT resell this theme
  • A link back to N.Design Studio and Magznetwork must be retained in the footer (either modified or unmodified)
  • You may use this theme for personal or commercial projects
  • You may modify, translate or distribute

Sidebar docking boxes (dbx) by Brothercake. Modified for Blogger by Blackquanta and Magznetwork

Please read the instruction carefully if you don’t want to get any problems.


  1. Download and extract the zip file.
  2. Login to your GooglePages and upload all of the images under /images folder
  3. Edit the XML file and replace with your Google account.
  4. Login to your Blogger Dashboard
  5. Go to Layout > Edit HTML
  6. Upload XML Template file (DO NOT copy and paste the code directly to template editor box)
  7. PLEASE DO NOT PREVIEW YOUR BLOG. Go to Layout > Page Element
  8. Edit “Top Menu” widget. Add at least one link, for example you can make a link to your blog homepage with “Home” anchor text
  9. Edit “Archives” widget. Chose “Flat List” Style and “MM YY” Date Format style, for example “February 2008″
  10. Edit “Recent Posts” widget. Change Feed URL to
  11. Edit “Recent Comments” widget. Change Feed URL to
  12. Go to Settings > Formatting, choose Timestamp style: “Wednesday, Januari 30, 2008″
  13. Finish. Preview your blog to see the result.

iTheme Techno (2 columns, right sidebar)

iTheme Techno (2 columns, right sidebar)

Live Demo

Download: iTheme Techno (2 columns, right sidebar)

iTheme Techno (2 columns, left sidebar)

iTheme Techno (2 columns, left sidebar)

Live Demo

Download: iTheme Techno (2 columns, left sidebar)

iTheme Techno (3 columns, right sidebars)

iTheme Techno (3 columns, right sidebars)

Live Demo

Download: iTheme Techno (3 columns, right sidebars)

iTheme Techno (3 columns, left & right sidebars)

iTheme Techno (3 columns, left & right sidebar)

Live Demo

Download: iTheme Techno (3 columns, left & right sidebars)

iTheme Techno (3 columns, left sidebars)

iTheme Techno (3 columns, left sidebars)

Live Demo

Download: iTheme Techno (3 columns, left sidebars)

Top 10 Search Terms:

• iTheme Techno Blogger Template • iTheme Techno Blogger • techno blogger template

This post contains Japanese Fleur Blogger Template. It’s a Very Beautiful blogger template. It’s a 2 Column blogger template.

A preview image

Download! | Demo!

Here is the third and final version of latest make money blogger template . This amazing PassionDuo template for Blogger comes in three colors:red, blue, and now green.

This template includes several popular ad formats for your blog. You get a
468 x 60 banner spot in the header, six 125 x 125 banner spots in the right
sidebar, and plenty of other sidebar spots for skyscraper banners.

Download! | Demo



This template also includes popular sidebar widgets such as Recent
Posts, Recent Comments, and the cool Feedjit (real time visitor
widget). Just paste in your blog rss feed urls into the Recent Posts
& Comments widgets and they’ll start working.

Unlike most other custom make money blogger templates, we’ve taken
the extra step and setup the “Fonts & Colors” functionality. That
means you can change all the colors and font styles easily by just
using the built in Blogger section. We’ve also customized the comments
section so it looks very professional as well.

PassionDuo also includes top tabs which can be added via your
Blogger page element screen. The rss feed icon will automatically
appear once you add your first tab so don’t be alarmed after you first
install it.

Configuring the rest of this template is actually quite easy. You
can swap out the ads and replace them with your own or feel free to
keep the existing ones if you don’t have any to use. Make sure
you check the “Expand Widget Templates” checkbox on the “Edit HTML”
page within Blogger before trying to make any edits.
Also make sure to backup your old template just in case you make a mistake.

Let’s start with the 468 x 60 header banner. Search for “<!-- Delete or replace with your ad -->” in the template code and the first one you come across is where you replace the ad.

The second instance of “<!-- Delete or replace with your ad -->” is for the Google AdSense code which you can either keep, replace, or just remove completely.

For the six 125 x 125 banner ads you’ll need to find “<!-- Replace with your ads -->” and update those one by one. Make sure not to delete the <li> and </li>
before and after each ad otherwise it will look funny. If you don’t
already have ads to use, I recommend clicking through each banner and
become an affiliate. Then you can replace the affiliate codes with your
own and start making money!

The theme was created for Daily Blog Tips by DesignSaurus as a WordPress theme. eBlog Templates converted this theme into Blogger which you can download for free once you register.

Here is the blue version of latest make money blogger template. This amazing PassionDuo template for Blogger comes in three colors: red, blue, and green. The green version will eventually become available so if red or blue isn’t your thing, you might want to wait.

This template includes several popular ad formats for your blog. You
get a 468 x 60 banner spot in the header, six 125 x 125 banner spots in
the right sidebar, and plenty of other sidebar spots for skyscraper

This template also includes popular sidebar widgets such as Recent
Posts, Recent Comments, and the cool Feedjit (real time visitor
widget). Just paste in your blog rss feed urls into the Recent Posts
& Comments widgets and they’ll start working.

Download! | Demo

Unlike most other custom make money blogger templates, we’ve taken
the extra step and setup the “Fonts & Colors” functionality. That
means you can change all the colors and font styles easily by just
using the built in Blogger section. We’ve also customized the comments
section so it looks very professional as well.

PassionDuo also includes top tabs which can be added via your
Blogger page element screen. The rss feed icon will automatically
appear once you add your first tab so don’t be alarmed after you first
install it.

Configuring the rest of this template is actually quite easy. You
can swap out the ads and replace them with your own or feel free to
keep the existing ones if you don’t have any to use. Make sure
you check the “Expand Widget Templates” checkbox on the “Edit HTML”
page within Blogger before trying to make any edits.
Also make sure to backup your old template just in case you make a mistake.

Let’s start with the 468 x 60 header banner. Search for “<!-- Delete or replace with your ad -->” in the template code and the first one you come across is where you replace the ad.

The second instance of “<!-- Delete or replace with your ad -->” is for the Google AdSense code which you can either keep, replace, or just remove completely.

For the six 125 x 125 banner ads you’ll need to find “<!-- Replace with your ads -->” and update those one by one. Make sure not to delete the <li> and </li>
before and after each ad otherwise it will look funny. If you don’t
already have ads to use, I recommend clicking through each banner and
become an affiliate. Then you can replace the affiliate codes with your
own and start making money!

The theme was created for Daily Blog Tips by DesignSaurus as a WordPress theme. eBlog Templates converted this theme into Blogger which you can download for free once you register.
