Sushant Risodkar

A friend of mine wanted to know how to add RSS subscription messages under the posts like mine , i saw this messages on and i wanted to do the same , here how to do it.

This is a tutorial for blogger platform.

If you want a rss subscription message same as mine, go to edit html , expand your widgets and , copy and paste the codes below after this line


<div style=’padding:5px; border:1px solid #999999; background-color:#efc954; margin-top:1px;’><img align=’left’ src=’‘/>If
you enjoyed this post,<a href=’YOUR-FEED-URL-GOES-HERE’><b>
make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed! </b></a

The Result will be like this:

The blue text in above image will be linked to your RSS feed url.


  1. You had better host this image on your googlepages,photobucket or imageshack account to prevent bandwith from exceeding.
  2. You can change border color and background color also the message and image align , thats why i coloured changable lines.
  3. Before saving template , preview it , if you like it then save it . This trick will not cause any problem in your blogger template.
  4. This can be used in blogger classic templates and blogger xml templates.
  5. Do not hesisate to ask question 🙂


Here’s a latest make money blogger template. This amazing PassionDuo
template for Blogger comes in three colors: red, blue, and green with
red being the first released. The blue and green versions will
eventually become available so if red isn’t your thing, you might want
to wait.

This template includes several popular ad formats for your blog. You
get a 468 x 60 banner spot in the header, six 125 x 125 banner spots in
the right sidebar, and plenty of other sidebar spots for skyscraper

Click to enlarge PassionDuo Red Blogger template

Download | Demo

This template also includes popular sidebar widgets such as Recent
Posts, Recent Comments, and the cool Feedjit (real time visitor
widget). Just paste in your blog rss feed urls into the Recent Posts
& Comments widgets and they’ll start working.

Unlike most other custom make money blogger templates, we’ve taken
the extra step and setup the “Fonts & Colors” functionality. That
means you can change all the colors and font styles easily by just
using the built in Blogger section. We’ve also customized the comments
section so it looks very professional as well.

PassionDuo also includes top tabs which can be added via your
Blogger page element screen. The rss feed icon will automatically
appear once you add your first tab so don’t be alarmed after you first
install it.

Configuring the rest of this template is actually quite easy. You
can swap out the ads and replace them with your own or feel free to
keep the existing ones if you don’t have any to use. Make sure
you check the “Expand Widget Templates” checkbox on the “Edit HTML”
page within Blogger before trying to make any edits.
Also make sure to backup your old template just in case you make a mistake.

Let’s start with the 468 x 60 header banner. Search for “<!-- Delete or replace with your ad -->” in the template code and the first one you come across is where you replace the ad.

The second instance of “<!-- Delete or replace with your ad -->” is for the Google AdSense code which you can either keep, replace, or just remove completely.

For the six 125 x 125 banner ads you’ll need to find “<!-- Replace with your ads -->” and update those one by one. Make sure not to delete the <li> and </li>
before and after each ad otherwise it will look funny. If you don’t
already have ads to use, I recommend clicking through each banner and
become an affiliate. Then you can replace the affiliate codes with your
own and start making money!

The theme was created for Daily Blog Tips by DesignSaurus as a WordPress theme. eBlog Templates converted this theme into Blogger which you can download for free once you register.

Want to make your blog stand out from the crowd? I recommend giving your newly downloaded Blogger template a unique and personalized look. Read our Free Blogger Header Images article and find yourself a great custom header image!

Changing background and border colors will add a special identity to your site.

Under the Template tab, you see “Fonts and Colors”. Clicking that, you will be able to change the colors, font types, and font size. However the available colors on the screen are limited. If you cannot find the color you want, you may want to copy the appropriate hex codes of the colors below, and paste them into the “color hex code” box and press Enter. Try out different combinations, and change them as and when you like.

Click to continue reading…

Spider-Man is an action game based upon the Marvel Comics character, Spider-Man, and is directly based on the first feature film starring the eponymous character. It was developed by Treyarch and released in 2002 for PC and several video game consoles.

Here is a cool blogger templates that contains a spiderman header image and have a spiderman kind of feel to it.

Top 10 Search Terms:

• spiderman template

Redirecting your Blogger feeds through Feedburner is the best way to get accurate results of your subscriber count. Once you’ve accumulated a few subscribers, you may feel inclined to show off how many people subscribe to your blog.

You’ve probably seen widgets in other blogs which inform you how many people currently are currently subscribing via Feedburner. But how can you go about displaying such a widget in your own blog?

There are actually two methods available to display your subscriber count in your Blogger powered blog:

  1. Use a Feedburner Feed Count Widget
  2. Create your own widget (and style to your tastes)

In this post, I’ll explain the easy method: using Feedburner’s default widget to display the number of subscribers to your blog.

The Feedburner FeedCount widget will display the daily average number of subscribers to your blog. This is available to anyone who publishes their feed through Feedburner. It’s free and very easy to use, and you can even change the color scheme to match that of your Blogger template!

Here’s how you can display your subscriber count using Feedburner’s FeedCount widget:

  1. Log in to your Feedburner dashboard, and click on the name of the blog feed you are interested in.
  2. Near the top of this screen, you will see tabs which lead to various sections of your dashboard. You need to click on the “Publicize” tab, which will offer you different options to publicize your blog’s feed:
  3. This page will feature a menu in the left sidebar, which lists the various options you can use to publicize your Feedburner feed. Click on the “FeedCount” link in the sidebar, which will take you to the page where you can configure your widget and get the code you need to display this in your blog.
  4. There are two slightly different styles of chicklets (widgets) you can choose from here: the “static” widget is simply a textual display of your current subscribers, while the “animated” widget displays a little animation of the text beside the subscriber count.

    Check the radio button beside the style you prefer to use.

  5. Now you can go about styling the colors of the widget to suit the style of your blog template!

    The color interface is really easy to use, and allows you to choose the color of the background and the text.

    Once you have chosen the colors for your background and text, click on the “Activate” button a little further down the page. This will save your preferences, and generate the code you will need to display this widget in your blog.

  6. Once you have activated your Feedburner FeedCount, the page will refresh and you will see a new section appear in the page like this:

    This section features the code required to add the style and color of widget you have chosen to your Blogger template.

    The easiest way to add this to your blog is by choosing the option, “Add this as a widget in Blogger”. This is available to those who use Blogger’s Layouts templates.

    Simply follow the steps and this widget will be added to your blog’s sidebar through the widget installer interface.

    If you would prefer to have more control over the placement of the widget, you can copy the code which is inside the new box on this page, then paste this into your template (or even in a blog post) where you would like this to be seen.

How this widget works

The Feedburner FeedCount widget uses a GIF graphic which features the number of subscribers to your blog.

The graphic is generated using a PHP based script which is hosted and operated by Feedburner. This operates in a similar way to many “hit counters” which display the number of visitors to your blog.

Furthermore, this widget also acts as a link to your Feedburner feed page, where visitors can easily choose to subscribe using their favorite feed reader.

Why would you want to display your subscriber count?

Many bloggers consider the number of subscribers to a blog to be a measure of the blog’s success. The more subscribers you have, the more popular your blog may seem to be (though of course, this depends on your personal opinions!).

If you are happy about the number of subscribers you have, you could use this widget as an indication of reader confidence in your blog’s content. It’s like saying “x-number of people like my content enough to subscribe to this blog, so maybe you could subscribe too!”

Another reason you may like to display your subscriber count is to indicate your blog’s growth over time. Regular readers will notice the steady increase in subscribers to your blog, and you won’t need to log into Feedburner each time you would like to check your statistics!

Why you might not want to display your subscriber count

If you have only a small number of subscribers, displaying your feed count won’t necessarily install confidence for new readers to subscribe.

I preferred not to display a feed count for Blogger Buster until I had established a decent base of subscribers, though when I did finally decide to display this, I noticed more people felt inclined to subscribe!

Aren’t there other ways of displaying my feed count?

You’ve probably noticed that I use a different method to display the subscriber count for Blogger Buster (you can see this in the bottom of the sidebar and also on the home page). This method uses a combination of JavaScript, externally hosted PHP and CSS styling to parse and display my subscriber count.

Although this method is a little more complicated, it is certainly more stylish and allows you to have complete control of how your feed count is displayed! So if you’re not content using Feedburner’s boring widget, be sure to check back tomorrow as I’ll be publishing details of how you can style your own subscriber count and display this in your blog.

Do Subscribe To Our RSS Feed
