Blogging Tips & Business Tips

This is a guest post by Febap Liew from and in this post he is writing about various types of spam comments bloggers usually notice and how you can perfectly recognize them and delete it.

I used to work alongside with affiliate marketing to make money online. Only recently, I have started a Blog to venture more in-depthly on the opportunity of making money online. However, as a new blog master myself, I have come across various situations that what seems at times puzzling to me. One of them of what I will be writing on today is about spam comments of which I have to ‘heavily’ judge and moderate.

Yes I have heard countless times of how people tend to relate their experience with spams and fake comments on their blog. I used to think just how hard it really could be. After all it is spam and we should be able to recognize them one way or another. How wrong I could have possibly been.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• fake blog comments • fake comments on blogs

This is a guest post by Karan Singhal who provides SEO services at Trafficke and today is sharing 5 killer ways for writing title for your posts that will attract more people to read it.

If you want people reading your content, you need to pull them in. And the only way to do this is using your post title. By choosing your words carefully and picking phrases that drive people to click and read more, you’ll be much more successful as a blogger.

All of your hard hours working and writing content can be wasted in a second if you don’t know how to present it to new visitors. A visitor will NEVER read your content unless they’ve been pulled in by the title. If you can’t do this, then the first thing you need to improve on as a blogger is your title writing.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• writing titles

This is a guest post by Karan Singhal who provides SEO services at Trafficke who is today telling us how to create a good personal brand by giving your voice to the content.

As a blogger, your job is to write useful and helpful content for your readers. You want to provide as much as possible for them, in hope that they’ll become more than just “regular” visitors.

But did you know that your voice and personal brand is the part of your content that does this?

This is a little confusing, let me explain a bit.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• your voice

This is a guest post by Goran Zinic of that shares make money online tips and advice.

Creating a blog post to our blog seems sometimes hard stuff to do, especially if we want to capture our reader’s to post a comment on it.

Now, I want to share to you some of the effective ways on how to create a super commented post in our blog or as a guest post.

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This is a guest post by Harsh Agrawal, who blogs at Shoutmeloud and offer Blogspot to WordPress migration service.

Writing article is in daily schedule for every blogger. But we can’t afford to spend more time in writing articles because we have to complete lots of other tasks also like managing blog, promoting blog, accessing social networking websites, handling advertisements etc. Thus, it is better that we must spend less time in writing articles and concentrate on other things also.

Spending less time doesn’t mean that we don’t write quality articles. You can for sure write quality articles fast. When I started with blogging, even I used to take time in writing articles but now with few tips I have increased my productivity and can write articles fast.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• how to write a technique blog post fastly
