Blogging Tips & Business Tips

Have you ever thought what will happen to your blog(s) if by chance you fall sick or something else happens to you? We really don’t like to think about it, but the truth is that we are not permanent creatures on earth and stuff happens.

Most of the time when somebody asks “what if something happens?” question to fellow bloggers, many of them don’t have a good plan in such situations, whereas others don’t want to even consider that there will ever be a time when they can’t blog.

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When I market online I like to practice simple but effective principles that I refer to as “smart marketing.”  In short, I like to optimize the most out of my time and also implement marketing methods that will give me the best return off of my very important investment of time.

So, when you comment on blogs with the follow attribute I would also recommend commenting on the most popular blogs, or in other words the blogs that are the most trafficked like techcrunch, mashable, shoemoney etc.

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Your drive to develop a blog that creates a steady revenue stream is important. Try to find the right Internet tools and strategies to attract a regular blog audience. If you can provide meaningful content in your blog, your readers will return again and again.

Customers want information on which they can rely on, and you must deliver this information. Because you want to give blog readers a solid product, try these 8 strategies to generate blog profits:

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• 8 strategies of making money

This is a guest post by Chetan Chauhan.

What is it really that you want your blog visitors to do, the moment they come to your site – Click on some Adsense ads or Subscribe to your Feed?

Any experienced blogger would say subscribing to his/her feed, since that is what would make the visitor come back to your blog again and again. But making them subscribe is what most of the bloggers find impossible to do.

But what if you knew where your visitors are looking at when they visit your site, or what is it really that they are looking for on your blog? Here is a list of useful resources that might help you know your site visitors better:

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your-blog-suck1Do you get few readers on your blog? Your readers don’t bother to comment on those articles? You don’t even receive a penny on your blog ads? If you are having these problems; Then you should look at these 21 Reasons your Blog may not be so popular amongst the readers:

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