This is a guest post by Febap Liew from who is today telling us about measuring your true value in this blogosphere.
In terms of blogging and having your own internet business online, providing valuable information and content is inevitably very important when it comes to building your personal credibility and of course expanding the tracks of your blog and internet business exposure.
However, have you ever come to wonder how you are able to provide such content? How others could write life-changing articles that could possibly challenge the test of time? No it is not by running through endless books or informational sources to gather points, sum it all up and present it to readers.
Instead, I believe the amount of worth you deliver depends heavily on how you measure your personal self-worth and value.
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Top 10 Search Terms: • is how much you earn a good measure of your importance to society
This is a guest post by Mike Tennant sharing productivity tips with us through this post and currently works at
Whether you work at home, freelance from the local coffee shop or run a Fortune 500 business, we all face the same problems over the summer months. Every year as the weather gets warmer, it becomes more and more difficult to get things done. It’s just increasingly difficult to be productive during the summer.
For me, it all goes back to my days in school, when I’d spend all year looking forward to summer break. And with good reason too, as those fun summer days were typically filled with friends, pools, the ballpark and sometimes even the beach.
Unfortunately, I’ve been forced to grow up since then. That means instead of shooting hoops at the park or riding my bike around the neighborhood, I have to be productive and get things done over the summer.
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This is a guest post by Paul McCarthy who teaches people about making money online at his website
I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while now because I see so many internet marketers with potential gold mine web sites at their disposal but they just aren’t using their assets effectively!
In this article, I’m going to tell you the strategy for making money online – and believe me it’s not rocket science, but it does take a bit of hard work and dedication to pull it off.
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Top 10 Search Terms: • three21r
This is a guest post by Febap Liew from and in this post he is writing about various types of spam comments bloggers usually notice and how you can perfectly recognize them and delete it.
I used to work alongside with affiliate marketing to make money online. Only recently, I have started a Blog to venture more in-depthly on the opportunity of making money online. However, as a new blog master myself, I have come across various situations that what seems at times puzzling to me. One of them of what I will be writing on today is about spam comments of which I have to ‘heavily’ judge and moderate.
Yes I have heard countless times of how people tend to relate their experience with spams and fake comments on their blog. I used to think just how hard it really could be. After all it is spam and we should be able to recognize them one way or another. How wrong I could have possibly been.
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Top 10 Search Terms: • fake blog comments • fake comments on blogs
This is a guest post by Karan Singhal who provides SEO services at Trafficke and today is sharing 5 killer ways for writing title for your posts that will attract more people to read it.
If you want people reading your content, you need to pull them in. And the only way to do this is using your post title. By choosing your words carefully and picking phrases that drive people to click and read more, you’ll be much more successful as a blogger.
All of your hard hours working and writing content can be wasted in a second if you don’t know how to present it to new visitors. A visitor will NEVER read your content unless they’ve been pulled in by the title. If you can’t do this, then the first thing you need to improve on as a blogger is your title writing.
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Top 10 Search Terms: • writing titles
Detect The Fake Silent Perpetrator Amongst Your Blog Comments
by Febap Liew · 40 comments
This is a guest post by Febap Liew from and in this post he is writing about various types of spam comments bloggers usually notice and how you can perfectly recognize them and delete it.
I used to work alongside with affiliate marketing to make money online. Only recently, I have started a Blog to venture more in-depthly on the opportunity of making money online. However, as a new blog master myself, I have come across various situations that what seems at times puzzling to me. One of them of what I will be writing on today is about spam comments of which I have to ‘heavily’ judge and moderate.
Yes I have heard countless times of how people tend to relate their experience with spams and fake comments on their blog. I used to think just how hard it really could be. After all it is spam and we should be able to recognize them one way or another. How wrong I could have possibly been.
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Top 10 Search Terms:
• fake blog comments • fake comments on blogs