Guest Posts

This is a guest post by Ruben Corbo

Online marketers understand the importance of creating and deploying optimized landing pages that are designed to convert.

These pages are the first thing that your potential customers will see when they visit your site, so it makes sense to make them as effective as possible so you can grab their attention and get their email addresses while you’re at it.

So what makes a landing page good and effective? What elements on the page can you do without? There’s no fixed formula when it comes to creating an effective landing page, because it all depends on what will work best with your target audience.

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This is a guest post by Adrian from

If you have any aspirations to make money online or start a successful career as an internet marketer, there is one skill that is a must have. You must be able to write.

Writing will probably play some part in everything you do from writing advertising copy, sales copy, promotional articles, email auto-responder series through to communicating with outsource workers or potential joint venture partners.

So what happens when you can’t seem to string more than two sentences or you have the dreaded writers block.

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This is a guest post by David Sneen from

Whoa, with a title like that, what if this article turns out to be a dud? Pressure! My goal is to write a superior article–otherwise my content will contradict my heading. Therefore, I welcome your feedback (comment).

(I wrote this article with the written blog post in mind. You may find some of this information to be irrelevant if you are creating videos or Powerpoint content.)

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• how to write blogs on google

This is a guest post by Ryan Biddulph from

Social network pros prosper wildly in the making money online niche. Attractive individuals stick out from the crowd of selfish, inward thinking entrepreneurs.

Most care about ME. Few care about others. Most WANT MONEY NOW. Few delay the urge for instant gratification, focusing instead of serving others. Be one of the few.

Social networking requires you to talk to people. *Social* networking. But not about your opportunity.

Talk about your friends. Add value to profiles, by writing insightful, helpful comments. Ask questions. Provide answers. Get what you want by helping other people prosper. As you see most people use social networking incorrectly. Move the focus from Me to helping other people.

Pros focus on serving. Helping others. Branching out. Building massive, powerful networks of leaders who boost pro’s presence on a daily basis. Plug into Oneness. Stop trying to do everything on your own. Plenty of people want to help you prosper online.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• Hang make money

This is a guest post by Ray Wilson from

Oftentimes we get so obsessed with traffic that we completely forget to improve the conversion rate of our website.

The reality is simple: you’re wasting your time if you don’t properly monetize your website.

You could have a low conversion rate like 0.5% and make a few sales, but why not maximize the conversion rate to something like 5% and make a ton more sales.

That’s why I’m giving you a few principles to think about …and I hope you’ll understand how important they are.

Your job is to put these principles into practice and see more money in your bank account.

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