Social Media

This is a guest post by Daniel Cassady from

How’s that blog going? Good, you say? Same here. Of course, I could use some more readers, but then again, who couldn’t, right?

Does this sound familiar?

If you’re a blogger – especially one that is trying to make money with your blog, there’s a good chance that you’ve spent your fair share of time trying to figure out how to lure new readers to your blog, and with varying amounts of success.

Most people tend to move toward social media sites like Facebook and Twitter when they want to increase their readership, and they are right to do so. The world of social media, if you didn’t already know, is growing by leaps and bounds every year, and with smartphones and tablets with built-in social media apps becoming as common as the rhinovirus, you can be sure that the influence social media has over the decisions people make will only grow stronger.

Then, of course, there is old reliable – email marketing. Not too long ago, email marketing was considered a passé tool for promoting and marketing. But, take a look at your inbox. Email marketing is back and in a huge way. Groupon and Living Social are two perfect examples of email marketing at it’s most successful.

So what does this mean for you, the blogger looking to hit it big?

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Top 10 Search Terms:

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This is a guest post by Luca Filigheddu from

Gaining Twitter followers is, in my experience, way easier than gaining RSS readers or, in general, regular and engaged readers. For this reason, making Twitter an important source of traffic for your blog is becoming more and more strategical for every blogger.

How to achieve that when you are starting from scratch? How to leverage Twitter in order to grow your audience?

Today, I would love to share with you three simple tips to make this happen as quick as possible.

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This is a guest post by Jesse Langley from

There’s a corollary to the famous P.T. Barnum quote, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” and it is: “and when they grow up they buy +1 button votes.”

The phrase itself might not stick, but bloggers who see shiny gold in any of the numerous ads by companies selling such things should stop and say, out loud, one mind-clearing word: Panda!

What are the odds that the search-engine force that introduced that most recent of updates to its own algorithm won’t be able to detect – and downgrade – sites using such black hat gaming schemes?

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This is a guest post by Matt Krautstrunk from ResourceNation.

Facebook recently announced an enhancement to their core tagging system that allows Facebook photos to be tagged with company pages. Assuming your blog has a Facebook presence this could mean a number of things for both your blog, and Facebook.

This feature was rolled out recently, and incorporates the ability to tag your blog’s Facebook page on people’s pictures. Effectively minimizing the gap between product pages and people pages; and in some regards business pages are now more powerful than personal pages.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• facebook tags • tags for facebook • facebook tag • facebook tags pictures • facebook tags photos • facebook pictures to tag • what does tagged mean on facebook • things to tag people in on facebook • images facebook tags • tag photos for facebook