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This is a guest post by Ryan Biddulph from

Social network pros prosper wildly in the making money online niche. Attractive individuals stick out from the crowd of selfish, inward thinking entrepreneurs.

Most care about ME. Few care about others. Most WANT MONEY NOW. Few delay the urge for instant gratification, focusing instead of serving others. Be one of the few.

Social networking requires you to talk to people. *Social* networking. But not about your opportunity.

Talk about your friends. Add value to profiles, by writing insightful, helpful comments. Ask questions. Provide answers. Get what you want by helping other people prosper. As you see most people use social networking incorrectly. Move the focus from Me to helping other people.

Pros focus on serving. Helping others. Branching out. Building massive, powerful networks of leaders who boost pro’s presence on a daily basis. Plug into Oneness. Stop trying to do everything on your own. Plenty of people want to help you prosper online.

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This is a guest post by Ray Wilson from

Oftentimes we get so obsessed with traffic that we completely forget to improve the conversion rate of our website.

The reality is simple: you’re wasting your time if you don’t properly monetize your website.

You could have a low conversion rate like 0.5% and make a few sales, but why not maximize the conversion rate to something like 5% and make a ton more sales.

That’s why I’m giving you a few principles to think about …and I hope you’ll understand how important they are.

Your job is to put these principles into practice and see more money in your bank account.

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This is a guest post by Antonio Coleman from

Some people just don’t get it after all the time being online; reading major blogs that are talking about seo and not really understanding what you’re reading.

You are out there looking for those answers to major does seo work and can it work for a person like me?

The people who ask questions like this have an augment but most of them are asking just to find a reason not to use seo. Some people feel that seo is not achievable because its something everyone is not doing so it must not be worth your time. Many people are the monkey see monkey do type of people who do as others do. They don’t think for themselves at all when it comes to marketing.

Many of them look for answers from people who are getting traffic from doing things other than seo. Like social media or some form of PPC, which is good but I think getting free traffic is better.

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This is a guest post by George Guildford from Punch Communications.

With over 10 million users and counting, Pinterest has quickly become the latest social media platform to get bloggers, social media agencies and businesses talking.

Essentially, Pinterest is a visual bookmarking platform, almost like a social media scrapbook. With a focus on image-based posts, Pinterest enables users to collect visual content they discover anywhere online and ‘pin’ it to their Pinterest profile using their own customizable ‘Pinboards’. Other users can then ‘Repin’, ‘Like’ or ‘Comment’ on images, with activities then appearing in a real-time feed for fellow ‘pinners’ and members to see.

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This is a guest post by Zac Johnson from

This is the internet! This is the world of blogging and marketing! In the end it all comes down to who remembers who you are and what you are all about.

The importance of branding in today’s world of 900 million people on Facebook and millions of new blogs going live every day… is simply priceless!

In this post we are going to shoot out some of the easiest and most effective ways for you to increase your branding and exposure in the fast paced world of internet marketing, social media and blogging.

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