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Twitter is nothing new. But it sure is the ‘new craze’. Everyone has a twitter account. Celebrities, bloggers, the president, you, and me. Being something different than most of the social sites out there makes most beginners get confused on how to use it. If you are ready to jump into Twitter, but don’t know how to get started then this article may help you.

So this blog post will concentrate on a few tips for the new tweeters.

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The year 2009 have been a great success for me and my blog and I hope it maintains and it gets better in 2010.

In this post, I would be sharing a list of “Top Five’s” of SmartBloggerz for the year 2009 under 5 categories. Those 5 categories are:

  • Top Articles
  • Top Guest Articles
  • Top Commentators
  • Top Traffic Sources
  • Top Countries

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Just like previous year pagerank update, Google have now updated their Pagerank values for website owners.

This year, SmartBloggerz remained at PR4 but it gained PR1 from previous year. One of my autopilot blog gained a PR1 and rest remained at zero.

With this post being published, I also want to wish all my readers and friends a Very Happy & Prosperous New Year.

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Commenting Idol 2 Ends Now!

Commenting Idol Season 2 is now over and I would first like to kick start this post saying that it was a huge success which can’t be imagined without the contest sponsors and obviously “The Commentators”.

In this season, a total of 3701 Human Comments were made and 162 trackbacks/pings were received for various articles i.e the total count of all comment types was 3863 during this contest period.

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This is a guest post by Senthil Ramesh of NoviceBloggers

It started with web sites once the Internet evolved and I am pretty sure that blogs are ruling now and more number of blogs coming each and every day with many bloggers trying their luck in the field. But what makes it more interesting is, not everyone succeeds in blogging.

Some give up so easily. There are reasons why they give up so easily. These are people who don’t know how to effectively make their blogging career. When we start blogging, if we make sure if we are ready for hard times, if we work for passion and interact with readers, the blogging experience can be more easily.

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