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As many of you are knowing that this month, the blog is having Commenting Idol – 2 Contest in which people can participate and win under 3 categories:

  1. Top Commentator
  2. Best Commentator
  3. Best Promoter

Previously, the prize amount was $180 Cash Prize and Over $600 worth of other prizes. But this post is being published to let you know the recent updates in the contest.

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This is a guest post by Anand Srinivasan who is the founder of

We have all been there and done that. Article marketing is supposed to be one of the most genuine ways to get a lot of back link and traffic to our niche blogs. It is said that all you need to do is write one genuine article on an ezine directory and watch it getting copied all over the internet, thus getting you lots of back links. The ezine directory itself gets ranked in search engines thus earning you relevant traffic.

But how many of us have seen success with article directory? Yes, there indeed has been lots of people who have made considerable number of affiliate sales through article directories, but what I am talking about here, is the return on investment.

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In Part 1 of Writing an Article That Converts Into Sales, we read some basic things that should be the part of your articles and how you have to present it.

Now, in this part we will read how to create that kind of article which will convert into sales and will give you maximum profits. This part includes Keyword Researching through a Google Tool (no it’s not that older one) about which you will read in this article. Also you will read some popular types of styles in article marketing which gains maximum profit.

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On December 1st, WP-Robot v2.0 was out on the web. The new version now comes with more auto features for better autopilot income. This new version has brought 7 New Changes from the previous version. The changes that have been brought are:

  1. Automatic Link Cloaking
  2. Amazon BrowseNode Support
  3. Backdating and Scheduling
  4. Humanized Post Times
  5. Yahoo News Module
  6. RSS Module
  7. Improved Admin Design

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Article Marketing is one of the successful way of internet marketers to make profits with products. Many people, looking at these successful internet marketers also desire to make money online through article marketing but many of them fails because they are not able to create an attracting article that will convert into sales for them.

In order for our articles to pull in visitors to our websites from major article sites like; we need to create our articles to do two things. One is to offer useful information and the other is to attract them to click through to our websites.

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