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This is a Guest Post by Vishal Sanjay of DumbLittleBlogger.

Twitter is one of the places online which receive the most buzz, they say over 17 million users register with Twitter every month and as usual these kinds of sites become a promotional tools for marketers. There are many web and non – web companies promoting themselves on Twitter, some of them include Dell, CNN and Wall Street Journal.
Many people are trying to the buzz of Twitter and this race has given birth to many third party Twitter apps for doing so. They say Dell makes 4 sales every minute using Twitter and it is true.

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This is a guest post by Felix Albutra who is Blogging For Profit.

There many blog authors arguing which blogging method is king. Some says Content is the King and some says Marketing is the King.

For you, which is king? This post will express my opinion regarding these two successful blogging techniques.

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I was just checking my Google Webmasters Account for this blog and I was amazed to see that Google have awarded my blog SiteLinks which are shown below search results.

What are SiteLinks?

SiteLinks are a collection of links, automatically chosen by Google’s algorithm, which appears below the google search result of website, linking to important pages of your website. It’s just like shortcuts to the important pages of the website/blog. They are randomly chosen, although you can block any link from appearing.

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Writing up a quick post to let you you guys know that I have upgraded my theme i.e Ultimate blogging Theme to version 3.0 Beta .

This new version of theme is now having very awesome features which I think makes it the best wordpress theme for a blogger. I suggest you to have one because you will seriously gonna like it. It’s Just $67, Check it Out Now!

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Cloaking your affiliate link is the practice of hiding your ugly affiliate URL link from your visitors. So instead of seeing “” they’ll see “” or whatever product you are promoting. Which is, I think we can agree is much more attractive URL to make people click!

Link cloaking is important not only because it will improve the amount of times your links get clicked (many internet users are skeptical of weird links with loads of numbers) but also, it helps prevent affiliate link theft. This is when a user sees your blatant affiliate link and thinks “hmm, I think I’ll just sign up as an affiliate and save myself 50% of the sale”.

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