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WordPress Security is important! A lot of attention is required towards your wordpress blog for making it safe from hackers which many people doesn’t cares or doesn’t take necessary steps for making it safe.

It’s required that bloggers pay attention towards their blog security by not leaving any doors open for the hackers. If a hacker is absolutely determined to get into your blog then they’re probably going to succeed. But you can protect your wordpress quite much by using many plugins out there for wordpress.

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How would you like if your blog posts doesn’t gets any readers voice? That is no one comments on it? Wouldn’t you be disappointed? The problem could be that your Comment System is not very interactive or beneficial for readers.

There are actually many ways with which you can improve your wordpress comment system and thus can increase the chances of getting more and better comments on your blog. In this post, I will be sharing 15 very popular wordpress plugins which can surely make your wordpress comment system look more interactive and beneficial.

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How would you like to get paid just if somebody submits his/her details to a page i.e even if that person doesn’t purchases that “thing” but you get paid for every lead you generate. Isn’t it cool and easy way to make money online? That’s how Payday Affiliate Program like T3leads works.

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This is a guest post by Dalirin of make money online

Email is regarded as a personal thing. People tend not to share their emails with other people because the email is addressed to them, and not to other people. Since emails are considered as a private stuff, email marketing would have a higher conversion than any type of marketing.

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With twitter becoming popular day by day, it has now become a great way to attract readers from twitter for your blog and grow the community. There are many twitter plugins out there and thus I am listing here 5 Popular Twitter Plugins which you can install in your blog that could help in increasing the fun for your commentators, readers and twitter followers.

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