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Discover The SAME Formula That I Use To Rake-In $10K+ every month! Enter your details below and DOWNLOAD The Blogging Profit Formula For FREE! This Is The Same Formula I Use To Make Money Online on Autopilot...

Adsense Revenue Sharing Is an effective way to earn money with adsense. In such type of forums and sites you just have to enter your publisher ID at a given place with a channel ID (if you want to track the earning also). In most of the these sites you have a 50% chance that the AdSense ads gets displayed and are credited to your account on content you participate in. This content could be in the form of a forum thread that you start, an article, a video or picture, a blog, or other types of content.

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Might be thinking from the title what I am going to share with you today and why it is called ‘Dirty’. I won’t let you wait for it; The thing is called ‘Google Notebook‘.

Google Notebook is a web research tool that allows users to clip text, search results, and images from web pages and place them in notebooks for later use.

Notebook entries can be defined as public or private. So, here’s the rub.While surfing on the net I came to know about this trick according to which you can easily get some backlinks from your article or notes published in your Google notebook.

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As you might be knowing that the popular ‘Revolution WordPress Templates’ are now available for free. So Deinesh of Bloganol Have started Converting them for blogger platform users which I think is a great job to do. These themes are basically designed by Brian Gardner and till now Deinesh have converted 5 Of them which are as follow:

  1. Revolution Crunch
  2. Revolution Lifestyle
  3. Revolution Code – Blue
  4. Revolution Code – Gray
  5. Revolution Code – Red

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The following post is a guest post by Taylor Thompson of Video Blogging Tips. Visit his blog for more Video Blogging Tips and Technology News.

I would like to begin by thanking Smart Bloggerz for allowing me access to his blog for postings. This is quite awesome and I greatly appreciate the opportunity.

As you guys probably already know, the best AdSense link colors are usually blue. The pros and Joel Comm himself will even tell you that a standard blue is the best blue for AdSense. However, this is no longer true.

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winners of contestBefore telling you the results, I would like to thank you all who participated in the contest and made it a successful. I have tried my best to distribute the prizes properly by sending a mail to all the winners to be ready for the prize distribution.

The username displayed here are the same names you posted at the contest post. If you’re unsure about your username, please visit the contest page and check it with the URL, in the comments field bu using CTRL + F In firefox.

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