This is a guest post by Craig Sowerby from
Know matter what your purpose is with creating your sites or blogs if you do not have any traffic going to your squeeze pages, sales pages or even blogs; it’s like a little shop in a ghost town.
Content is King but it does not matter how good your content is, if it is not being looked at or read then what is the point.
You still have to market and promote your blogs and websites.
Having a blog is a great way to get your foot in the door of the Internet. But there is so many more elements to just posting content on to your blog. Just because you have a blog with some good content on it does not give you the right to have a mass of traffic that flood’s to your site.
Not only does your content have to be relevant to your readers you want your personality to run through your content, be just that bit different and entertain your audience. People will warm to the person behind the blog not the words they read on the screen.
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Top 10 Search Terms: • Get traffic to my blog • how to get blog exposure
This is a guest post by Michael Chibuzor from Blast4Trafficnow.
I’m sure you have always wanted to take your blogging to the next level. Well, my case is no different; I have implemented some powerful stuff into my blogging adventure recently, and guess what? The results are SPEAKING LOUDLY.
Have you always wanted to be on top of the game, I mean, driving free targeted traffic and earning some decent cash in the process? Then this could be the most vital post to go through right now. Without much ado, let’s see how it all works to make you happy.
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Top 10 Search Terms: • blogger website ideas
Today,I added a Link Exchange Widget By I have tried a few blog link exchange programs such as EntreCard, Spottt, 125(something!!something) in which I like The Entrecard Only.All are the waste of time since Spottt team is god know exist or not ,as they did not reviwed my blog from 2 weeks due to which I got frustrated n removed tht stupid widget.
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Every blogger want to increase traffic to his/her blog because without traffic, their blog means nothing.In every post they wants to use the tricks which can drive more traffic to their blog. So, i am also showing this type of trick which can drive up to 60% of your total traffic to your blog. His trick will boost your site meter.As half of your traffic comes from Google & in Google, people doesn’t search only the web articles
They also search for the images.I am sure your blog or site will have images in their posts or content but you dont know how to make these images as a source of traffic.Now i will show you how to drive more traffic to your blog through these images or pictures.
About my 50% of total traffic to my blog is coming through these images.It is very easy to use this trick if you follow the below tips from my experiences.You can view these tips below.
3 Steps to Increase your Blog Traffic with images:
1. Use Keywords in the name of images.
2. Upload images to your own site.This will also increase your page rank if someone copy images from your site.
3. Use compressed images means upload low sized images.
If you wanna copy images from another site, first look to the name of image.If it is like these:
‘image001’ or ‘photo1’, etc.You have to download these images and use keywords when you name it.If you follow these steps, i am sure your blog or site traffic will be doubled as mine:)