bloggers making money

This is a guest post by Melvin Dichoso from

This is my 5th year now in blogging and my 3rd since starting my flagship blog

I am very happy to say that I’m making money from blogging but even up until now I still view it as a dream-come true kind of thing.

It was just a realization a long time ago and I never really thought it’d be possible. Heck, I wasn’t even sure back then if its true or just some form of a gossip. 😉

Anyway, if you’re not making any money yet then this post is for you. If you are making money, yet this post still caters to you. Below I will be talking about the reasons why you’re not making that much money yet as a blogger although I’m not limiting it to just blogging itself.

Of course, I’d be damn confident to make controversial statements below that might piss you off but hey it’s me who’s posting this article. 😉

Here we go:

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