hostgator discount coupon code for july 2011

HostGator Coupon Code July 2011 : If you are looking to start your internet business and tired of finding out that ONE good web hosting then let me help you today. There is no better place to host your website than HostGator. It’s also one of the best wordpress hosting company.

HostGator offers a range of web hosting plans full with features for various types of business requirements. I am using HostGator from the very start (almost 2 yrs. now) and having their shared hosting as well as a VPS hosting.

I JUST LOVE their support team. They care so much about you that it feels like a family. This month, around 20th june, my blog was continuously attacked by one or two hacker. HostGator helped me to remove the malicious file which made them control my website.

Later on I found that this could be because I have turned on “media uploader” for contributor level users (guest authors) which is not turned on by default in wordpress. SO I switched it OFF again after those files were removed.

You can read more about hostgator in my hostgator review.

If you are looking to try HostGator for hosting your websites then you should not do it without using a hostgator coupon code. Using a hostgator discount coupon code you can get a great amount of relief on your first billing.

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