niche marketing

This is a guest post by Anshul Dayal from

The internet offers a world of opportunity for anyone looking to get out of the 9-5 daily rut and build a dream lifestyle of passive income. Truth be told, internet is possibly the only medium that can make the dream of real passive financial freedom truly possible. However, there is often an element of misguided confidence with how fast anyone can start making a full-time income online.

Many people are sold the dream lifestyle through expensive “get rich quick” training products, promised fancy cars, beaches and mega mansions. This often turns aspiring entrepreneurs into what you can describe as “opportunity seekers” and the number one reason a staggering 95% of the people fail to build the coveted dream lifestyle they always thought was possible.

So, why is it that there is such a high failure rate with people looking to make a living online, after all there has to be some element of truth to how all those online “gurus”, driving fancy cars got to be where they are.

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Niche marketing is about focusing your marketing efforts on a particular market segment, or “niche” and creating a product and/or service that speaks directly to that niche.

So, how specific is a niche? Well, let’s look at a couple of examples:

  • Market = “Pets”
    Niche = “West Highland Terriers”
  • Market = “Food”
    Niche = “Organically grown berries”
  • Market = “Clothes”
    Niche = “Tailor made suits”
  • Market = “Finance”
    Niche = “401K Retirement Plan Advisors”

The list could go on and on… and on… but hopefully you get the point. A niche is basically just targeted subsection of any larger market. Niche marketing is focusing your marketing efforts on that subsection to provide them with the tools, services, and/or products they need.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• marketing campaign • niche marketing plan • niche marketing campaigns • Niche marketing • campaign

This is a guest post by Brandon Connell who teaches how to make money blogging and more at In this post, he is going to be telling us 5 ways through which we can begin finding a profitable niche that will help to make money online.

Everyone knows that in order to succeed with some serious traffic and income, you have to find a winning niche. The trick is finding one that always results in a happy ending regardless of how saturated the market is.

I am about to provide you with tips on how to locate niches that will always come out on top no matter what.

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• how to find a profitable niche online • how does a small niche website become profitable • how to find a profitable niche • finding a profitable niche online