A friend of mine wanted to know how to add RSS subscription messages under the posts like mine , i saw this messages on and i wanted to do the same , here how to do it.

This is a tutorial for blogger platform.

If you want a rss subscription message same as mine, go to edit html , expand your widgets and , copy and paste the codes below after this line


<div style=’padding:5px; border:1px solid #999999; background-color:#efc954; margin-top:1px;’><img align=’left’ src=’‘/>If
you enjoyed this post,<a href=’YOUR-FEED-URL-GOES-HERE’><b>
make sure you subscribe to my RSS feed! </b></a

The Result will be like this:

The blue text in above image will be linked to your RSS feed url.


  1. You had better host this image on your googlepages,photobucket or imageshack account to prevent bandwith from exceeding.
  2. You can change border color and background color also the message and image align , thats why i coloured changable lines.
  3. Before saving template , preview it , if you like it then save it . This trick will not cause any problem in your blogger template.
  4. This can be used in blogger classic templates and blogger xml templates.
  5. Do not hesisate to ask question 🙂
