writing tips

This is a guest post by David Walker. You can read his blog on DavidWalker.TV where he teaches how to make money online. Read in this post, what David thinks over using “free articles” on a blog and why you should avoid using it on your blog.

One of the emails I have queued up in my autoresponder sequence is an offer to write a guest blog post for any of my subscribers who wants one.

There are a few stipulations, of course, such as I’ll only write a post for blogs hosted on their own domains, e.g. smartbloggerz.com rather than something.blogspot.com or somethingelse.wordpress.com. But even with a list of perquisite requirements in place, I still end up rejecting around 99 percent of all requests.

The reason?

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• free articles for blogs • free blog articles • free articles for blog • free articles for your blog • free article for blog

This is a guest post by Bryan who is an article marketing expert and blogs at Money With Articles . Today he is using his experience to tell us 3 things that your articles should definitely have to make it a traffic sucking monster.

The title probably caught your attention, didn’t it? If you know anything about article marketing, you should know that the title is one of the most important elements to an article. It literally makes or breaks it. It’s the one thing that a visitor will come across and decide whether or not they will continue on to read what follows.

If your title is weak, chances are, you won’t get many people sweeping through to read your content, no matter HOW glorious or informative it may be. That’s the truth about article marketing. It can be brutal out there, but it doesn’t have to be.

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This is a guest post by Rick LaPoint, who successfully runs various websites and you can see all of them at RickLaPoint.com. In today’s guest post, you will learn how to improve writing skills that will easily attract readers towards it and you will find yourself enjoying great benefits.

Anyone can write a sentence. And anyone can string sentences into a paragraph. Anyone can communicate their ideas to others in a manner that is understood.

But there  is a big difference between writing  that simply communicates and writing that motivates.

Good writing is engaging, entertaining, and leaves the reader with specific emotions deliberately embedded by the author of the text.

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This is a guest post by Lior who is a web consultant sharing writing tips in this post. Follow him on Twitter @liorl

If you have the aspirations to be a great blog writer it is really not all that difficult, but there are ground rules that you need to follow in order to be successful at it.

There are several common mistakes that new writers often make, and if you avoid them it can mean the difference of you being an average writer or a great writer.

Writing Original content for your blog is important nowadays. You can’t rehash the same old stuff from other blogs. This is a guest post by Tim Handorf, who writes on the topics of online colleges and is sharing with us today Tips On How to Write Original Blogs.

Part of maintaining a successful blog means writing fresh, original content on a regular basis. Just think about the blogs you follow regularly, and ask yourself why you follow that particular blog rather than other blogs of the same genre.

Chances are the reason you follow certain blogs is because something about the blogger’s unique style of writing appeals to you — it stands out from the crowd.

So why is it that many blogs you see these days only copy the ideas of another blogger?

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Top 10 Search Terms:

• blog writing tips

